Issue - decisions

PCC DN - Programme Challenger’s We Move Mentoring project

03/07/2023 - PCC DN - Programme Challenger’s We Move Mentoring project

That the Deputy Mayor agrees to the funding allocation of £80,000 (period 2023-2024) from the Police Property Act to be awarded to the VCSE organisations involved in the delivery of Programme Challenger’s We Move Mentoring Project to enable them to support a further 56 young people who are at risk of school exclusion and involvement in serious and organised crime and serious youth violence.

The VCSE organisations delivering We Move on behalf of GMP, are currently Diane Modahl Sports Foundation and Oldham Boxing and Personal Development Club.

For an investment of around 1.3k per mentee we think that there is evidence to suggest that We Move could result in system savings of up to approximately £29,000 for some individuals (just based on those engaged in Youth Justice provision). In some extreme cases we think We Move could prevent school exclusions resulting in system savings of 370k per individual.

As part of We Move, mentees (aged 12-18 years) are matched with a dedicated mentor who will provide them with tailored one to one support, and work with them to design a pathway to their personal goal.

We Move offers:

? financial support to enable young people on the programme to access positive activities (e.g., sport, theatre and musical opportunities);
? Support to access other services which address personal challenges (including wellbeing, therapeutic behavioural support, addiction and mental health support), and we have partnered with Early Break and 42nd Street; and
? Support to access employment and education opportunities that are right for them.