Issue - decisions

GMCA Capital Update Quarter 1 2023/24

31/07/2023 - GMCA Capital Update Quarter 1 2023/24

1.                 That the current 2023/24 forecast of £681.3m compared to the 2023/24 budget of £591.8m be noted and changes to the capital programme, as set out in the report, be approved.


2.                 That an increase in the Transport capital budget, approved by GMCA in June 2023 as part of the Transport Capital Programme report for the City Region Sustainable Transport schemes of £41.4m, as outlined in section 2.9, be noted.  That the inclusion within this figure of Greater Manchester’s (GM’s) share of the national Additional Maintenance (Pothole) Funding of £6.2m within the 2023/24 forecast, as outlined in section 2.9.4 of this report, also be noted.


3.                 That other increases in capital budget over £500k be approved as follows: 


·         Active Travel Fund 4 (ATF4) capital funding of £3.6m as outlined in section 2.5;

·         Access for All of £2.8m as outlined at section 2.7;

·         GM One Network of £1.8m as outlined at section 2.14;

·         Regional Growth Fund Loans of £3.9m outlined at section 3.1;

·         Growing Places of £9.3m for outlined at section 3.2;

·         Housing Investment Loans Fund of £9.6m outlined at section 3.3;

·         Brownfield Land Fund of £16.4m outlined at section 3.7;

·         Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme funding of £1.8m outlined at section 3.9;

·         UK Share Prosperity Fund carry forward of £1m unspent approvals from 2022/23 outlined at section 3.10;

·         Social Housing Decarbonisation funding of £26.7m outlined at section 3.11;

·         Social Housing Quality Fund of £15.0m outlined at section 3.12;

·         Homeless Rough Sleeper Accommodation Programme of £2.1m outlined at section 3.13 and Fire and Rescue Services of £4.0m outlined as section 4.