Issue - decisions

Greater Manchester Multiply Scheme – Multiply for Care Leavers

17/11/2023 - Greater Manchester Multiply Scheme – Multiply for Care Leavers

Multiply is a UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) funded national programme, commissioned and delivered locally, to support adults who do not have GCSE/Level 2 maths or equivalent to gain skills in Maths/Numeracy.

A key aim of the GM Multiply Scheme is to offer tailored support to care experienced residents across Greater Manchester. The activity should boost residents confidence with numbers, and provide an initial opportunity to access maths/numeracy skills provision.

Following an Expression of Interest process, the Grant award has been approved to the following Authorities & 1x college:

Authority / Financial Year 23/34 / Financial Year 24/25 / Total

Bury / £18,285 / £23,850 / £42,135
Manchester / £91,425 / £119,250 / £210,675
Oldham / £21,333 / £27,825 / £49,158
Rochdale / £24,380 / £31,800 / £56,180
Salford / £30,475 / £39,750 / £70,225
Tameside / £5,195.60 / £15,872.40 / £21.068
Wigan / £21,333 / £27,825 / £49,158

College allocation

Tameside College / 25,279.40 / £23,877.60 / £49,157

Local Authorities were invited to submit Expressions of Interest linked to a mini specification to offer this support directly to their care experienced residents, following a range of consultation and engagement activities.

Please note that Tameside Council requested their Part B allocation be granted directly to Tameside College and GMCA have approved this.

The mini specification is attached.

The Expression of Interest Document is attached.