Issue - decisions

GM Moving MoU Refresh

17/07/2024 - GM Moving MoU Refresh

  1. That the refreshed MoU with Sport England and wider GM Moving Partnership Board Members be approved.


  1. That the contents of the report on Place and Health Integration be noted.


  1. That the recommendations, next steps and support, strategic and collective/distributed leadership on these areas be noted:


  • Local Authority leadership and teams be supported to fully engage with this work as we move forward.
  • Place Deepening:  progress, timescales and methodology  be noted, including the work of the Place Partnership Network (including locality leads) contribution to develop local plans for peer review and final submission to Sport England in August 2024.


  1. That the establishment of Live Well be noted.


  1. That it be noted that September 2024 would mark three years since the launch of the GM Moving in Action Strategy 2021-31. This, along with the signing of the MOU would be officially marked with a presentation to the  GM ICP Board on 27 September, with the Chief Executive Office of Sport England and members of GM Moving Partnership Board in attendance.


  1. That the GMCA record its thanks to GM Moving for their contributions towards the refresh.