Issue - decisions

PCC DN - Venue Booking and Catering –VRU Primary School Summit (Amendment)

03/10/2024 - PCC DN - Venue Booking and Catering –VRU Primary School Summit (Amendment)

The Greater Manchester Violence Reduction Unit are seeking to make the following payments for a VRU hosted Primary Summit Event:
AJ Bell Stadium (Special Catering Company, Salford City Stadium):
A payment to be made of £5,250.00 to book event space at AJ Bell Stadium (Salford City Stadium) covering event space for 200 attendees well as refreshments and standard lunch buffet provision covering all participants.
This decision supercedes a Decision previously signed on 08/08/2024
which was for a lower figure of £3,250.00. The figure has now been
revised as it did not in fact include lunch provision for all attendees.