Issue - decisions


14/07/2020 - MAYORAL UPDATE

1.      That the issue of non-compliance in relation to the wearing of face coverings, and patterns of compliance throughout the day be noted.

2.      That plans for the ‘Return to the City’ event later this month, encouraging people to return to work safely be noted.

3.      That it be noted that the Mayor is in dialogue with central Government to ensure GM receives the most up to date and accurate Covid-19 data to ensure that the sub region is as informed as possible and can deal with any potential spikes as they begin to arise.

4.      That it be recognised that a stable platform for Metrolink funding is crucial to the recovery of Greater Manchester, and there is cross-party support for further lobbying on this issue.

5.      That the GM Transport Committee has a role in relation to ensuring the right schemes for the Mayors Cycling and Walking Challenge Scheme are brought forward, and ensuring a coherency across GM.

6.      That the potential for a second wave of Covid-19 through the winter and implications for the public transport system be noted.

7.      That TfGM review each of the GM Transport Plans in light of the new climate and ‘Living with Covid’ recovery phase.

8.      That GM communications be reviewed to ensure a message of safe travel on the public transport network is foremost.