Issue - decisions



  1. That the report be noted.
  2. That the changes to the commercial network and the proposals not to replace the de-registered commercial services as set out in Annex A be noted;
  3. That it be agreed that no action is taken in respect of changes or de-registered commercial services as set out in Annex A;
  4. That it be noted that Stagecoach would review patronage levels on the X30 service once the airport begins to see greater levels of passengers.
  5. That it be noted that Stagecoach would report back directly to Cllr Leech on the proposed changes to the 42b service.
  6. That the impact of the closure of Blackfriars Street and Deansgate be noted, and that conversations were ongoing with Manchester City Council as to whether other routes could be opened to minimise the disruption to passengers.
  7. That TfGM review the options for mitigating the impact of changes to service 574, and keep Cllr Haslam up to date as appropriate.
  8. That TfGM report back to Cllr Burke as to whether a new tender has been sought for the X58 service.
  9. That the proposed action taken in respect of changes or de-registered commercial services as set out in Annex B be approved;
  10. That TfGM check that communications to Manchester Airport Group regarding the proposed changes to the X30 service.
  11. That the proposed changes to general subsidised services set out in Annex C be approved.
  12. That TfGM review alternatives for passengers along route 171-179 to Wythenshawe hospital, and keep local councillors informed.
  13. That TfGM respond directly to the questions raised via email from Cllr Clark.
  14. That the emergency changes to general subsidised services set out in Annex D be approved.
  15. That TfGM give further consideration as to how Local Councillors could be informed of proposed changes as early as possible going forward.
  16. That TfGM will review the alternative services for the removal of the 307/308 service.