Issue - decisions

Approval of the recent prioritisation exercise for the Mayor’s Cycling and Walking Challenge Fund (MCF), approve the 2020/21 MCF programme management budget and approve £0.1 million MCF funding for the GM Visually Impaired Design Commission.

08/07/2020 - Approval of the recent prioritisation exercise for the Mayor’s Cycling and Walking Challenge Fund (MCF), approve the 2020/21 MCF programme management budget and approve £0.1 million MCF funding for the GM Visually Impaired Design Commission.

To note the progress made in developing a set of MCF delivery priorities across GM and to approve the budget parameters set out in section 3 of the accompanying report, as the basis for scheme progression; and
Approval of the release of up to £1.5 million funding to fund programme management and associated costs in 2020/21; and authorise the GMCA Treasurer to make the necessary capital-revenue ‘switch’ as set out in section 4 of this report; and
Approval of £0.1 million for the GM Visually Impaired Design Commission, and authorise the GMCA Treasurer to make the necessary capital-revenue ‘switch’, including the balance of the GM side road zebra research commission, as set out in section 4 of the accompanying report.