Issue - decisions

Clean Air Plan

31/07/2020 - GM Clean Air Plan - Consultation Update

1.      That the progress of the Greater Manchester Clean Air Plan be noted.


2.      That it be noted that TfGM have confirmation that the funding award for Bus Retrofit should be distributed as soon as possible as per arrangements put in place for the Clean Bus Technology Funds.


3.      That the update on the possible impacts of COVID-19 on the GM CAP be noted.


4.      That it be noted that GM local Authorities intend to consult on GM’s proposed Minimum Licencing Standards, alongside the Clean Air Plan consultation.


5.      That the submission of the response to Department for Transport’s Decarbonising Transport – setting the challenge, as set out at Appendix 1 of the report, be agreed.


6.      That the GM local Authorities be commended to hold an 8-week public consultation on the GM Clean Air Plan commencing in October 2020.


7.      That it be agreed that TfGM can act as the Operating Body for the GM Clean Air Zone and supporting measures, as set out at paragraph 7.5 of the report.


8.      That the GM Clean Air Plan Policy for Consultation, at Appendix 3 of the report, be endorsed.


9.      That the Equalities Impact Assessment, as set out at Appendix 5, be noted.


10.  That it be noted that further reports will be submitted to the GMCA to set out the formal governance mechanisms that will underpin the deliver a GM Clean Air Zone (CAZ) and the supporting measures.


11.  That the detail of the vehicle finance offer to support residents to comply with the requirements of the Clean Air Plan will be included on the consultation.