
Use the below search options at the bottom of the page to find information regarding recent decisions that have been taken by the council’s decision making bodies.

Alternatively you can visit the Officer and Mayoral decisions page for information on officer delegated decisions that have been taken by council officers.

Decisions published

14/11/2022 - PCC - Cut Short: Fighting Against Knives in the North ref: 1590    Recommendations Approved

Tell Studio got in touch with the Deputy Mayor through Wigan Youth Zone and requested support with their project. They had already raised £1,800 through crowd funding, we would like to match that.
The film will tell the stories of a mother from Leeds who lost her son to knife crime, and an ex gang-member who now helps other young people, and other similar stories from across the North.
The film will be shown in schools and youth clubs across the North.

Decision Maker: Director for Police, Crime, Criminal Justice and Fire

Decision published: 24/11/2022

Effective from: 14/11/2022


The GM VRU is seeking to match fund money raised by Tell Studio for their film which aims to tackle knife crime in the North of England, total cost of £1,800.

Lead officer: Lisa Lees

14/11/2022 - PCC - I4YPC – Delivery of school based pilot programme to address exclusion and associated violent crime. ref: 1589    Recommendations Approved

Charity I4YPC (headed up by a reformed offender) will run a pilot project entitled ‘Innit Right Now’, with a targeted group of secondary school pupils between the ages of 11 and 16, whom the schools have identified as being at risk of exclusion. The project will culminate in the pupils performing a series of monologues to camera. ‘Innit Right Now’ spans seven workshops, during which participants will explore the individual choices of the characters from a script and the consequences of their involvement in crime. The workshops and final performances will also allow the pupils to safely examine their own lives and the potential impact of the situations they find themselves in, should they make the wrong choices.
The programme addresses risk of exposure to violent crime, which also covers health and wellbeing issues relating to mental health, physical health, community participation.
Two schools have been identified for delivery, and have written to the VRU to confirm their participation.

• New Park Academy – demographic is vulnerable children with complex safeguarding needs, most of whom have already been subjected to exclusion. Following a successful project with I4YPC, the headteacher fully embraces our schemes to help children stay in school.

• Irlam and Cadishead Academy – one of the ‘Big Four’ schools in Salford regarding exclusions. The school’s location isolates the pupils from the rest of Salford, but they still face the same issues. Our schemes of learning are embedded into ICA’s curriculum, and I4YPC would like to build on this relationship

Delivery will take place between 9/1/23 and 3/3/23.

Decision Maker: Director for Police, Crime, Criminal Justice and Fire

Decision published: 24/11/2022

Effective from: 14/11/2022


The programme director agrees a budget allocation (from Health and Wellbeing VRU budget) of £15,000, to be drawn down in December 2022, for delivery across Jan / Feb / March 2023.

Lead officer: Lisa Lees

14/11/2022 - PCC - Hate Crime - investment to raise awareness ref: 1588    Recommendations Approved

Hate crime has been identified as a significant issue which requires a coordinated partnership response. It is proposed that the following be supported:

That up to £50,000 be provided in support of a central awareness campaign, including a focus to promote Greater Manchester’s Hate Crime Awareness Week in February 2023. Building on the partnership approach taken to the campaign in 2022 work will continue with GMP, Local Authorties, TfGM, CPS, GMFRS, NHS and other partners to access their advertising assets and maximise the effectiveness of the campaign.

A number of media channels will be considered in support of the campaign including advertisement on public transport, radio and paid advertisement on social media.

The funding will also allow for the provision of branded promotional materials, that will be disseminated to each local authority area. The materials will feature dedicated partnership branding to be used in future campaigns.

The funding will also enable the continued provision of the website, which is a partnership landing page to easily direct the public to report hate crime, receive support or seek general advice. Funding will ensure the content remains up to date and relevant.

A task group has been formed bringing together communications and community safety staff from partner organisations to plan and manage the campaign. Work will be undertaken to ensure the campaign reflects the concerns raised to the partnership by communities.

Details of previous communications campaigns have been shared with members of the Greater Manchester Equality Alliance and comments will be built into the next campaign.

Decision Maker: Director for Police, Crime, Criminal Justice and Fire

Decision published: 24/11/2022

Effective from: 14/11/2022


Up to £50,000 be allocated to support activity to raise awareness, reporting and understanding of hate crime in Greater Manchester. This will include a central awareness campaign in support of Hate Crime Awareness Week in February 2023.

Lead officer: Lisa Lees

14/11/2022 - PCC - Male Refuge support worker – contributory funding ref: 1587    Recommendations Approved

Greater Manchester published it’s Gender-Based Violence Strategy in September 2021. Within this there was a commitment to look at the needs of male victims of Gender-Based Violence. Therefore, the securing of a male refuge and bespoke support for male victims will begin to address this need, and additionally enable us to better identify what the needs of male victims are in future.

GMCA has allocated funding to the delivery of the GBV Strategy. Through providing contributory funding to the GM Male Refuge GMCA is both recognising that this will begin to address some of the priorities within the strategy and will also contribute to the overall GM offer to male victims and an ability to provide accommodation to up to 12 male victims of domestic abuse every year within a 6-bed refuge.

Trafford are using a cross-commissioning and collaboration approach to this across Greater Manchester, and it is key we contribute alongside our local authority partners to the development of the male refuge.

Decision Maker: Director for Police, Crime, Criminal Justice and Fire

Decision published: 24/11/2022

Effective from: 14/11/2022


£15,000 of contributory funding be provided to Trafford Council to contribute to the costs of 1 Full-time male worker and 1 Part-time male worker within a new 6 bed male refuge.

Trafford Council’s Domestic Abuse JSNA identified that there was a gap in their provision for male victims of domestic abuse. Trafford Council and Trafford Domestic Abuse Advisory Service (TDAS) have developed a 5-year business case for a male refuge.

The refuge will be located within Trafford but will accept referrals from across Greater Manchester and TDAS will be the service provider.

Currently, local authorities can house male victims of domestic abuse within dispersed accommodation when the place is available. Other than Rochdale (which has 2 dedicated spaces for male victims), no other Greater Manchester borough has dedicated accommodation for male victims of domestic abuse. Consequently, Greater Manchester is not adequately nor effectively meeting its legal duties under Part 4 of the Domestic Abuse Act (2021).

Trafford will fund the set-up costs for the provision and have asked for cross borough support with funding the support element which will include 1 FT Male worker and 1PT Male worker. Local authorities across GM have been asked to contribute to this and 9 have confirmed contributory funding.

Therefore, GMCA has agreed to contribute an amount of £15,000. This is one off funding for start-up costs and initial service implementation in year one of the project.

Lead officer: Lisa Lees

14/11/2022 - PCC - Printing of Survivors Manchester ‘Ripped’ information booklet ref: 1586    Recommendations Approved

The VRU agreed to support Survivors Manchester with this campaign to share messages on male sexual assault with young people across GM.
The project has been funded by Survivors Manchester with a small contribution from the VRU for printing costs.

Decision Maker: Director for Police, Crime, Criminal Justice and Fire

Decision published: 24/11/2022

Effective from: 14/11/2022


The GM VRU awards Survivors Manchester to print their campaign/information booklet on male sexual assault that will be delivered to schools, youth groups etc. across GM.
The total cost of the print is £508.

Lead officer: Lisa Lees

04/11/2022 - GMP - A0909 Consultancy & Professional Services ref: 1585    Recommendations Approved

The YPO framework, 940, Managing Consultancy and Professional Services has a single supplier, Reed Consultancy +, to deliver a managed service provision (MSP) for consultancy and professional service requirements. Reed Consultancy + supports the delivery of consultancy projects and/or professionals into all public sector requirements. This can be through the provision of an individual on a day rate or for a piece of work that is output based.

This contract would provide an additional route for GMP for such services and sits alongside similar contracts already in place.

Decision Maker: Treasurer GMCA

Decision published: 24/11/2022

Effective from: 04/11/2022


The direct award of a 3 year contract to Reed Consultancy + using the YPO Framework for Consultancy and Professional Services.

Lead officer: Lisa Lees

04/11/2022 - GMP - A0894 Regional Framework for the Provision of Vehicle Spare Parts ref: 1584    Recommendations Approved

Procurement legislation requires GMP to tender for these goods and services. The recommended route provides the most effective route to market.

Decision Maker: Treasurer GMCA

Decision published: 24/11/2022

Effective from: 04/11/2022


Approval is given to tender the framework for the provision of Vehicle Spare Parts using a local open tender on behalf of Regional Forces and AGMA.

Lead officer: Lisa Lees

03/11/2022 - PCC - Extension of the Victim Service Coordinator service from 1st December 2022 to 31st March 2023 ref: 1582    Recommendations Approved

The Victim Service Coordinators and Lead role were introduced in Sept 2017, as a pivotal element of the victims of crime assessment and referral Model. They are employed by GMP and fully funded by GMCA. The team are led by the GMP Victim Services Strategic Lead and are responsible for the leadership and oversight of the victim services work at a divisional level, to improve partnership working and align services more effectively to improve pathways for victims.

Following the ongoing review of victim services across Greater Manchester which commenced in 2019/2020, a number of key successes and key challenges / opportunities for the Victims Service Coordinators were identified. This is currently being used to scope options for a redesign of the service, which can be worked into a practical delivery model. Whilst this work is undertaken, an extension of the current service is required to continue key support.

The continuation of the Victim Services Coordinators service over this 4 month duration will also allow consistency of support whilst the newly commissioned co-located victims multi-crime service beds in from early 2023.

Decision Maker: Treasurer GMCA

Decision published: 24/11/2022

Effective from: 03/11/2022


To extend the funding of the GMP Victim Services Transformation Lead role and 11 Victim Services Coordinators posts, for a further 4 months (1st December 2022 to 31st March 2022).

Total funding to be approved is for the Victim Services Transformation Lead role and the 11 Victim Services Coordinators is £194,000.

The extension of the posts will be funded via the annual MOJ Victims Budget allocation for 22/23.

Lead officer: Lisa Lees

04/11/2022 - PCC - GBV Victims and Survivors / Lived Experience Panel ref: 1581    Recommendations Approved

The Greater Manchester Combined Authority want to provide investment in partner organisation/s to assist us in the appointment of panel members and facilitation of the Gender-Based Violence (GBV) Panel of Lived Experience which will support the work of the GBV Board and the delivery of the GBV Strategy.

The GBV Strategy outlined our commitment to establishing a panel of people with lived experience of GBV as one mechanism of ensuring that victims and survivors’ voices are heard and validated and ensuring that those with lived experience are at the heart of what we do.

Decision Maker: Treasurer GMCA

Decision published: 24/11/2022

Effective from: 04/11/2022


To support the stated central tenet of the GM Gender-Based Violence Strategy, namely that we are clear that we will only be truly successful in our endeavour by having those with lived experience at the very heart of everything we do.
We will provide £100k funding over 2 years via grant to a partner organisation/s to run, develop and facilitate the Gender-Based Violence (GBV) Panel of Lived Experience. This will support the work of the GBV Board and the delivery of the GBV Strategy.

Following discussions with key stakeholders within GM we want to undertake a tailored process to appointing a panel. This will be a bespoke, collaborative approach with an independent coordinating and facilitating organisation an organisation that will take cognisance of the GM landscape in relation to specialist services around gender-based violence.

We will look to an independent, impartial organisation to undertake the management, facilitation and recruitment to the panel. It will be made clear that the panel’s membership will need to reflect the wide-ranging nature of gender-based violence and the diversity of Greater Manchester’s communities. The organisation appointed will also be responsible for managing expenses payments for members of the Panel who are giving up their time to contribute. This will cover the costs associated with involvement in the panel, for example travel costs.

The organisation will need to articulate and identify how they will work with the VCSE sector in Greater Manchester to deliver aspects of the GBV Lived Experience Panel. This may cover areas such as welfare/emotional support and clinical supervision for Panel members, identification of panel members and the relevant expertise in supporting people with lived experience of gender-based violence.

The independent facilitating organisation will bring this together and provide all secretariat functions so will be an expert in partnership working and community engagement.

The funding will be allocated via an expression of interest process which will be sent out to relevant partners and stakeholders. £30k will be allocated for the coordination and running of the panel and £20k for the support element.

Once an organisation has been appointed a further decision notice will be submitted to seek final approval.

Consideration of going out to market has been undertaken and due to the specialist requirements for this panel it has been agreed that a tailored approach can be progressed.

Lead officer: Lisa Lees

14/11/2022 - PCC - Education Consultant Lead role ref: 1580    Recommendations Approved

Priority 6 of the GM Serious Violence Action Plan includes a commitment to; work with education settings (including primary, secondary, alternative provision, further education and pupil referral units) to keep pupils safe and reduce the likelihood of fixed term and permanent exclusions.

In order to progress this work, the VRU has identified the need to appoint an individual who can function at a senior level and invoke the necessary changes across the education system. This individual would be operating in a complex partnership environment, working with multiple stakeholders to identify best practice, implement strategy and effective intervention measures.

Building resilience within the school community and general education setting is vital in order to reduce the risk of young people becoming involved in violence, but also addressing the outcomes and factors when violence does occur. This work covers all elements of primary and secondary and further education as well as other specialist education provision.

It is proposed that the consultant would report directly to the Head of the Violence Reduction Unit and work closely with internal and external stakeholders, briefing senior colleagues and politicians such as the Mayor, Deputy Mayor and other leaders and Elected Officials.

In order to succeed in this work, it is necessary that the individual would need to have had extensive experience as a headteacher, someone who is both competent and fully conversant with the business landscape of education, including matters pertaining to national and local policy, through to direct operational delivery.

The seniority and experience of a retired Headteacher will not only offer the VRU and Police, Fire and Crime team benefits of being able to influence and negotiate with education leads across GM but will also offer significant benefits to wider GMCA work streams and priorities.

Decision Maker: Treasurer GMCA

Decision published: 24/11/2022

Effective from: 14/11/2022


The services and expertise of a former headteacher acting as an Education Consultant Lead consultant for the Violence Reduction Unit is procured on a contract basis for two days per week, for two years, at a day rate cost £600 per day plus reasonable expenses. This role is aimed to build resilience within the GM school community and general education setting, which is key to reducing the risk of young people becoming involved in violence.

Max budget - 46 w x 2d x 600 x 2 years = £55,200 per year x 2 = £110,400 (2 years) plus all reasonable expenses

Lead officer: Lisa Lees

11/11/2022 - RAIL PROGRAMME AND INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECT UPDATE ref: 1564    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Greater Manchester Transport Committee

Made at meeting: 11/11/2022 - Greater Manchester Transport Committee

Decision published: 15/11/2022

Effective from: 11/11/2022


1.       That the report be noted.

2.       That it be noted that Northern offered to respond to Councillor Dzidra Noor, Manchester City Council about the scheme at Walken (section 2.6 of the report) and provide the water filling station timetable outside of the meeting.

3.       That Councillor John Vickers, Wigan Council be kept appraised about Golborne Station by Cat Morris, TfGM.

4.       That it be noted that Network Rail offered to share the reasoning behind why the bridge lift option was chosen at Hindley with Councillor John Vickers, Wigan Council.


11/11/2022 - RAIL OPERATOR UPDATE ref: 1563    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Greater Manchester Transport Committee

Made at meeting: 11/11/2022 - Greater Manchester Transport Committee

Decision published: 15/11/2022

Effective from: 11/11/2022


1.     That the verbal update be received and noted.

2.     That Members noted the reassurance from Operators about their readiness to implement the December 2022 timetable.

3.     That it be noted that Northern offered to share information on the roll out of accessible toilets with the Committee.

4.     That it be noted that all Operators were asked to consider how learning from recent industrial action around flexibility, temporary timetabling (P Code use) and introduced service changes be applied should any future action arise.

5.     That it be noted that Northern offered to share their booklet around the December 2022 timetable changes with the Committee.

6.     That the Station Adoption Group on-line course on suicide prevention highlighted by Angie Clark, Stockport Council be emailed to Members by the Governance and Scrutiny Team.

7.     That it be noted that Northern offered to share their driver rotas with Councillor Noel Bayley outside of the meeting.

8.     That Cat Morris, TfGM would share information about Irlam Station with Councillor Dzidra Noor, Manchester City Council, following the meeting.


11/11/2022 - METROLINK OPERATOR UPDATE ref: 1561    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Greater Manchester Transport Committee

Made at meeting: 11/11/2022 - Greater Manchester Transport Committee

Decision published: 15/11/2022

Effective from: 11/11/2022


1.     That the verbal update be noted.

2.     That Daniel Vaughan, TfGM discuss options and proposals for railways, trams and buses with Councillor John Vickers, Wigan Council outside of the meeting.


11/11/2022 - RAIL PERFORMANCE REPORT ref: 1562    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Greater Manchester Transport Committee

Made at meeting: 11/11/2022 - Greater Manchester Transport Committee

Decision published: 15/11/2022

Effective from: 11/11/2022


1.     That the content of the report be noted.

2.     That TfGM would send congratulatory letters to the winners of the Community Rail Network Awards and the schools involved in collaborative projects.

3.     That it be noted that Northern offered to provide information on the costs associated with compensatory payments for cancelled trains.


11/11/2022 - METROLINK PERFORMANCE REPORT ref: 1560    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Greater Manchester Transport Committee

Made at meeting: 11/11/2022 - Greater Manchester Transport Committee

Decision published: 15/11/2022

Effective from: 11/11/2022


1.     That the content of the report be received and noted.

2.     That Vicky Mercer, TfGM would share campaign material targeted for the festive period around tram safety be shared with Members of the Committee.

3.     That Daniel Vaughan, TfGM be asked to give further thought as to how the effectiveness and impact of the Crucial Crew be measured and reported.


11/11/2022 - MINUTES OF THE METROLINK AND RAIL SERVICES SUB-COMMITTEE 23 SEPTEMBER 2022 ref: 1559    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Greater Manchester Transport Committee

Made at meeting: 11/11/2022 - Greater Manchester Transport Committee

Decision published: 15/11/2022

Effective from: 11/11/2022


1.     That the minutes of the annual meeting held on 23 September 2022 be approved.

2.     That reports about the dogs on trams, vandalism costs and anti-social behaviour be considered at the next meeting on 13 January 2023.


11/11/2022 - DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST ref: 1558    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Greater Manchester Transport Committee

Made at meeting: 11/11/2022 - Greater Manchester Transport Committee

Decision published: 15/11/2022

Effective from: 11/11/2022


There were no declarations of interest.

11/11/2022 - CHAIR'S ANNOUNCEMENTS AND URGENT BUSINESS ref: 1557    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Greater Manchester Transport Committee

Made at meeting: 11/11/2022 - Greater Manchester Transport Committee

Decision published: 15/11/2022

Effective from: 11/11/2022


That thanks be noted to Caroline Whittam, Head of Rail at TfGM for all her support to the Committee as she moves onto a new role with Rail North.


There were no Chair’s announcements or items of urgent business.

11/11/2022 - APOLOGIES ref: 1556    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Greater Manchester Transport Committee

Made at meeting: 11/11/2022 - Greater Manchester Transport Committee

Decision published: 15/11/2022

Effective from: 11/11/2022


1.    Apologies were received and noted from Councillors Kevin Peel (Bury), Mohammed Ayub (Bolton) and Aasim Rashid (Rochdale).


2.    Apologies were also received from Simon Elliott (TfGM) and Charlie French (Avanti).


28/10/2022 - Challenge Poverty Week England and Wales - Feedback from the GM Launch Event ref: 1537    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Greater Manchester Combined Authority

Made at meeting: 28/10/2022 - Greater Manchester Combined Authority

Decision published: 01/11/2022

Effective from: 28/10/2022


1.            That the feedback and suggestions made by cross-sector partners and residents who attended the third party ‘Challenge Poverty Week’ GM partnership event be noted.


2.            That it be noted that the report was viewed with reference to and alongside the GMCA Cost of Living Resilience update, recognising that those responses were immediate, and that the report pointed to the need for GMCA to consider the medium to long term anti-poverty approach across the city-region, and that all recommendations would be addressed at the right level.


3.            That the GMCA record its thanks to Revered Ian Rutherford for his presentation of the report.


4.            That the work of GM Poverty Action, particularly the report being prepared at present, be fully incorporated into the range of work taking place through the Tackling Inequality Board.


5.            That a report be submitted to the next meeting of the GMCA highlighting improvements in bus patronage following the introduction of the £2 single fare cap.


6.            That a report be submitted to the next meeting of the GMCA setting out plans around homelessness and the expansion of ‘A Bed Every Night’.


7.            That a report be submitted to the next meeting of the GMCA providing further detail around the establishing of Wigan as an initial site for replicating the joint venture being rolled out in Scotland between Fife and Amazon.

28/10/2022 - Minutes of the GMCA Overview & Scrutiny Committee - 28 September 2022 ref: 1533    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Greater Manchester Combined Authority

Made at meeting: 28/10/2022 - Greater Manchester Combined Authority

Decision published: 01/11/2022

Effective from: 28/10/2022


That the minutes of the Overview & Scrutiny Committee held on 28 September 2022 be noted.

28/10/2022 - Greater Manchester Investment Framework, Conditional Project Approval ref: 1555    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Greater Manchester Combined Authority

Made at meeting: 28/10/2022 - Greater Manchester Combined Authority

Decision published: 01/11/2022

Effective from: 28/10/2022

28/10/2022 - Greater Manchester Housing Investment Loans Fund - Investment Approval Recommendation ref: 1554    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Greater Manchester Combined Authority

Made at meeting: 28/10/2022 - Greater Manchester Combined Authority

Decision published: 01/11/2022

Effective from: 28/10/2022

28/10/2022 - Greater Manchester Investment Framework, Conditional Project Approval ref: 1552    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Greater Manchester Combined Authority

Made at meeting: 28/10/2022 - Greater Manchester Combined Authority

Decision published: 01/11/2022

Effective from: 28/10/2022


1.           That the loan facility of up to £350,000 to HN Flow Limited be approved.


2.            That authority be delegated to the Combined Authority Treasurer and Combined Authority Monitoring Officer to review the due diligence information in respect of the above loan, and, subject to their satisfactory review and agreement of the due diligence information and the overall detailed commercial terms of the loan, to sign off any outstanding conditions, issue final approvals and complete any necessary related documentation in respect of the loan noted above.

28/10/2022 - Greater Manchester Housing Investment Loans Fund - Investment Approval Recommendation ref: 1551    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Greater Manchester Combined Authority

Made at meeting: 28/10/2022 - Greater Manchester Combined Authority

Decision published: 01/11/2022

Effective from: 09/11/2022



1.              That the GM Housing Investment Loans Fund loan detailed in the table below, as detailed further in this and the accompanying Part B report be approved; 






Kellen Homes (GM) Ltd

Mill Vale




2.              That authority be delegated to the GMCA Treasurer acting in conjunction with the GMCA Monitoring Officer to prepare and effect the necessary legal agreements.


3.              That the GM Housing Investment Loans Fund loan detailed in the table below, where an increase in the loan has been approved by the GMCA Chief Executive acting in consultation with the Portfolio Lead Leader for Place Based Regeneration & Housing under delegation be noted.






Blueoak Estates (Manchester) Ltd

Alexander House





28/10/2022 - Devolution of the Adult Education Budget (AEB): Update on Commissioning approach for 2023/24 ref: 1550    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Greater Manchester Combined Authority

Made at meeting: 28/10/2022 - Greater Manchester Combined Authority

Decision published: 01/11/2022

Effective from: 09/11/2022


1.              That the update on the devolution of the AEB and proposed approach to commissioning AEB funded provision for GM residents for 2023/24, including procurement activity be noted.


2.              That approval be granted for the proposed approach to commissioning AEB funded provision for GM residents in 2023/24 which includes:

a.      Grant funding agreements for the providers identified as being in-scope for block grants, namely further education institutions based within Greater Manchester and those GM local authorities which currently deliver AEB funded provision.

b.     Procurement of contracts for services for all other providers, including independent training providers, FE institutions based outside of Greater Manchester, and other organisations (which may include the voluntary and community sector)


3.              That authority be delegated to the Chief Executive Officer GMCA & TfGM, GMCA Treasurer and Monitoring Officer, in consultation with the Portfolio Lead and Portfolio Lead Chief Executive for Education, Skills, Work, Apprenticeships and Digital (and subject to considerations around any conflicts of interest which might arise),  to take forward AEB commissioning, including the procured element, to contract award.

28/10/2022 - Create Growth Programme ref: 1541    For Determination

Decision Maker: Greater Manchester Combined Authority

Made at meeting: 28/10/2022 - Greater Manchester Combined Authority

Decision published: 01/11/2022

Effective from: 09/11/2022


1.              That the Create Growth Programme in GM be supported.


2.              That the proposal GMCA act as the accountable body with the DCMS for the Create Growth Programme in Greater Manchester funded from a £1.275million Section 31 grant over the period 2022/23 – 2024/25 be approved.


3.              That the GMCA enter into a grant agreement with the Growth Company for £1.2m to deliver the programme, as set out in the bid.


4.              That the decision of the impact tool be noted, and it also noted that the proposed approach will support equality inclusion, health outcomes and the economy in Greater Manchester.


28/10/2022 - Implementation of Greater Manchester VCSE Accord and creation of GM VCSE Forum ref: 1543    For Determination

Decision Maker: Greater Manchester Combined Authority

Made at meeting: 28/10/2022 - Greater Manchester Combined Authority

Decision published: 01/11/2022

Effective from: 09/11/2022



1.           That the progress update be noted.


2.           That the proposal to create a system-wide GM VCSE Forum and provide nominations to join the Forum be endorsed.


3.           That local authorities and partners be encouraged to make nominations to the Forum as detailed in the terms of reference.

28/10/2022 - Innovation Greater Manchester and Innovation Accelerator Pilot ref: 1545    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Greater Manchester Combined Authority

Made at meeting: 28/10/2022 - Greater Manchester Combined Authority

Decision published: 01/11/2022

Effective from: 28/10/2022



1.              That the progress in developing Innovation Greater Manchester, which is supporting the Greater Manchester Strategy commitment to “Realise the opportunities from our world class growth and innovation assets” be noted.


2.              That authority be delegated to the Chief Executive Officer, GMCA & TfGM and the GMCA Treasurer, in consultation with the Portfolio Leads and Lead Chief Executives for Economy and Work & Skills, the decision making and sign-off authority for local selection and oversight of the projects to be funded through the Innovation Accelerator pilot. Decisions will be informed by consultation with the Innovation Greater Manchester Board.


3.              That it be noted that the innovation accelerator pilot was expected to have direct positive impacts on equality and inclusion, health, resilience and adaptation, economy, and mobility and connectivity. There will be indirect positive impacts on carbon emissions.


28/10/2022 - Greater Manchester UK Shared Prosperity Fund - Investment Plan ref: 1549    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Greater Manchester Combined Authority

Made at meeting: 28/10/2022 - Greater Manchester Combined Authority

Decision published: 01/11/2022

Effective from: 28/10/2022


1.            That 10GM £1,663,571 of GM’s UKSPF allocation to deliver activity to support VCSE sustainability and infrastructure across GM to March 2025, as set out within the 10GM proposal, outlined at Section 3 of this report, be granted.


2.          That the GM Business Growth Hub £500,000 of GM’s UKSPF allocation in 2022/23 to deliver a programme of activity in 2022/23 to support GM businesses with the Cost of Doing Business challenges, as set out within the proposal, outlined at Section 5 of this report, be granted.


3.          That a £15m UKSPF funded GM SME (Small and Medium Size Enterprises) Workspace Fund be established and administered by GMCA which will prioritise local authority proposals for the creation of SME workspace in city and town centres and high streets in GM to March 2025. Prioritised proposals within this programme will come to GMCA for agreement in due course.


4.       That £2,744,408 of GM’s UKSPF allocation over 2.5 years to deliver the activity, expenditure, outcomes and outputs set out in their UKSPF Communities and Place proposal by March 2025, as outlined at Annex A, be granted to Bolton Council.


5.          That £1,662,478 of GM’s UKSPF allocation over 2.5 years to deliver the activity, expenditure, outcomes and outputs set out in their UKSPF Communities and Place proposal by March 2025, as outlined at Annex A, be granted to Bury Council.


6.          That a grant be awarded to Manchester City Council for £2,886,652 of GM’s UKSPF allocation over 2.5 years to deliver the activity, expenditure, outcomes and outputs set out in their UKSPF Communities and Place proposal by March 2025, as outlined at Annex A, noting that Manchester City Council will submit a further proposal for their remaining allocation to the GM UKSPF Local Partnership Board in due course.


7.          That £2,295,803 of GM’s UKSPF allocation over 2.5 years to deliver the activity, expenditure, outcomes and outputs set out in their UKSPF Communities and Place proposal by March 2025, as outlined at Annex A, be granted to Oldham Council.


8.          That £2,163,860 of GM’s UKSPF allocation over 2.5 years to deliver the activity, expenditure, outcomes and outputs set out in their UKSPF Communities and Place proposal by March 2025, as outlined at Annex A, be granted to Rochdale Council.


9.          That £2,243,026 of GM’s UKSPF allocation over 2.5 years to deliver the activity, expenditure, outcomes and outputs set out in their UKSPF Communities and Place proposal by March 2025, as outlined at Annex A, be granted to Salford Council.


10.        That £2,454,134 of GM’s UKSPF allocation over 2.5 years to deliver the activity, expenditure, outcomes and outputs set out in their UKSPF Communities and Place proposal by March 2025, as outlined at Annex A, be granted to Stockport Council.


11.     That £1,768,032 of GM’s UKSPF allocation over 2.5 years to deliver the activity, expenditure, outcomes and outputs set out in their UKSPF Communities and Place proposal by March 202,5 as outlined at Annex A, be granted to Trafford Council.


12.     That £1,050,000 of GM’s UKSPF allocation be granted to Wigan Council over 2.5 years to deliver the activity, expenditure, outcomes and outputs set out in their UKSPF Communities and Place proposal by March 2025, as outlined at Annex A, noting that Wigan Council will submit a further proposal to the GM UKSPF Local Partnership Board for their remaining allocation in due course.


13.         That Subject to GM UKSPF Local Partnership Board recommendation, delegate GMCA approval of Tameside Council’s proposal for their UKSPF allocation to the Chief Executive Officer, GMCA & TfGM, GMCA Treasurer and Monitoring Officer in consultation with the Resources and Investment Portfolio Leader to grant up to £1,979,141 of GM’s UKSPF allocation over 2.5 years to deliver the activity, expenditure, outcomes and outputs that will be set out in their UKSPF Communities and Place proposal.

28/10/2022 - GM Cultural Investment Approach 2023 Onwards ref: 1540    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Greater Manchester Combined Authority

Made at meeting: 28/10/2022 - Greater Manchester Combined Authority

Decision published: 01/11/2022

Effective from: 09/11/2022



1.                That the consultation response to the proposed new approach to GMCA’s cultural investment be noted.


2.                That the new approach to GMCA’s cultural investment be approved.


3.                That an indicative investment period of three years subject to annual review and approval of the Culture Fund as part of the GMCA annual budget setting process, be approved in principle..


4.                That the timeline for the GMCA Culture Fund to open for bids in preparation for the new investment approach starting from April 2023, be approved.


5.                That the decision of the impact tool be noted and that it also be noted that the proposed approach will support equality inclusion, health outcomes and the economy in Greater Manchester.


28/10/2022 - Energy Company Obligation 4 (ECO4) ref: 1542    For Determination

Decision Maker: Greater Manchester Combined Authority

Made at meeting: 28/10/2022 - Greater Manchester Combined Authority

Decision published: 01/11/2022

Effective from: 09/11/2022



1.                 That the forthcoming funding opportunity presented by Energy Company Obligation 4 (ECO4) and specifically the Flexible Eligibility element be noted.


2.                 That authority be delegated to the GMCA Treasurer and GMCA Monitoring Officer to:


a.   Conduct an ECO4 Approved Application Process to produce a list of GM wide ECO4 delivery installer(s).

b.   Centralise the management of ECO4 Flexible Eligibility on behalf of the 10 districts.

c.   Receive and defray any concession received to cover internal costs over the ECO4 period.


3.                 That the GM Flexible Eligibility Statement of Intent (Annex 1) be approved and that authority be delegated to the Chief Executive Officer, GMCA & TfGM to sign the Statement of Intent on behalf of the GMCA and all 10 GM LAs be approved.


4.                 That the co-benefits assessment of this proposal suggests this project will directly reduce emissions from domestic buildings, in particular the worst performing properties be noted.


28/10/2022 - Cost of Living and Economic Resilience in Greater Manchester ref: 1536    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Greater Manchester Combined Authority

Made at meeting: 28/10/2022 - Greater Manchester Combined Authority

Decision published: 01/11/2022

Effective from: 28/10/2022


1.            That the latest assessment, including the findings of the Greater Manchester Disabled People’s Panel 2022 Survey be noted.


2.            That the GMCA record its thanks  to both Rick Burgess and Michele Scattergood for the presentation of the Disabled People’s Panel survey results.


3.            That the GMCA record its thanks to Councillor Amanda Chadderton for leading on the mobilisation of 306 ‘warm banks’ across GM ahead of the winter period.


4.            That the GMCA would lobby government ahead of the ‘fiscal event’ on 17th November on the pressing need to ensure that benefits rise in line with current rates of inflation to combat the further entrenchment of poverty, and that Council budgets be protected to ensure they were able to provide suitable levels of support.


5.            That the GM Mayor invite a representative of the GM Disabled People’s Panel to join him in the conversation he was seeking with the ‘Big Five’ energy providers on agreeing a moratorium on disconnection from energy supplies over the winter period.


6.            That the GMCA continues to consider the cost-of-living crisis as a specific item each month.

28/10/2022 - GMCA Revenue Update Quarter 2 - 2022/23 ref: 1539    For Determination

Decision Maker: Greater Manchester Combined Authority

Made at meeting: 28/10/2022 - Greater Manchester Combined Authority

Decision published: 01/11/2022

Effective from: 09/11/2022



1.            That the 2022/23 forecast outturn position for the GMCA budgets at the end of September 2022 (quarter 2), be noted.


2.            That the changes to the GMCA General budget following the confirmation of additional funding during quarter 2 shown in paragraph 2.2, be approved.


3.            That the table at 2.3 be updated to incorporate the UKSPF Multiply Programme Grant referred to in 2.2.


4.            That it be noted that the forecast outturn has now moved to a forecast deficit outturn of £1.8m following the incorporation of the latest firefighter pay offer of 5% into the budgets – a cost that would need to be picked up locally.


28/10/2022 - GMCA 2022/23 Capital Update - Quarter 2 ref: 1538    For Determination

Decision Maker: Greater Manchester Combined Authority

Made at meeting: 28/10/2022 - Greater Manchester Combined Authority

Decision published: 01/11/2022

Effective from: 09/11/2022



1.              That the current 2022/23 forecast of £565.6m compared to the 2022/23 previous forecast of £630.6m and approval of changes to the capital programme as set out in the report be noted.


2.              That the addition to the Capital Programme of the Air Quality Monitoring project, funded from the Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Air Quality grant as outlined in paragraph 3.12.3, be approved.


28/10/2022 - Transport Capital Programme and Local Growth Deal ref: 1548    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Greater Manchester Combined Authority

Made at meeting: 28/10/2022 - Greater Manchester Combined Authority

Decision published: 01/11/2022

Effective from: 09/11/2022


1.              That the progress made in relation to the Local Growth Deal Transport schemes as set out in Sections 2, 3 and 4 of the report, be noted.


2.               That the progress made in relation to the Non-Transport Skills Capital and Economic Development and Regeneration (ED &R) programmes, as set out in Section 5 of the report, be noted.


3.              That the funding draw-down request for the SBNI Salford Package 7 (A580 Junctions), as set out in Section 5 of the report, be approved.


4.              That the use of returned Life Sciences funds to proceed with Life Sciences 2, as set out in Section 6.5 of the report, be noted.


5.              That the funding draw-down request for Farnworth Streets for All, as set out in Section 7 of the report, be approved.

28/10/2022 - Delivering the Bee Network: Bus Franchising and Fares, Metrolink Fleet, Rail Integration and Operation AVRO ref: 1547    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Greater Manchester Combined Authority

Made at meeting: 28/10/2022 - Greater Manchester Combined Authority

Decision published: 01/11/2022

Effective from: 28/10/2022


1.            That the progress made towards the delivery of the Bee Network be noted.


2.            That the comments raised by the GMCA Overview & Scrutiny Committee be noted.


3.            That TfGM be requested to submit an update report to the November GMCA meeting and a final report at the December GMCA meeting on the progressing of franchising arrangements


4.            That the statement made by Northern City Region Mayors calling for action in the short, medium and long term to address specific issues raised in the minutes on the national rail network be noted.


28/10/2022 - Greater Manchester Active Travel Programme ref: 1546    For Determination

Decision Maker: Greater Manchester Combined Authority

Made at meeting: 28/10/2022 - Greater Manchester Combined Authority

Decision published: 01/11/2022

Effective from: 09/11/2022



1.              That the release of up to £745,000 of MCF delivery funding for the Oldham Chadderton Improvement scheme, set out in section 2 of this report, be approved in order to secure full approval and enable scheme delivery through the signing of the necessary supporting legal agreements be approved.


2.              That the revised GM Local Authority budget allocations for the Active Travel Fund (Tranche 2), following a re-profiling exercise agreed by the Active Travel Programme Board, as set out in section 3 of the report be noted.


3.              That the release of up to £225,508 of development cost funding for the 2 Active Travel Fund (Tranche 3) schemes, set out in section 4 of the report, be approved.


4.              That Dame Sarah Storey be invited to the next meeting of the GMCA to provide an update on ‘refreshing the mission’ around active travel.

28/10/2022 - Minutes of the Greater Manchester Transport Committee held on 14 October 2022 ref: 1535    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Greater Manchester Combined Authority

Made at meeting: 28/10/2022 - Greater Manchester Combined Authority

Decision published: 01/11/2022

Effective from: 28/10/2022



That the minutes of the Greater Manchester Transport Committee held on 14 October 2022 be noted.

28/10/2022 - Minutes of the GMCA Waste & Recycling Committee held on 12 October 2022. ref: 1534    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Greater Manchester Combined Authority

Made at meeting: 28/10/2022 - Greater Manchester Combined Authority

Decision published: 01/11/2022

Effective from: 28/10/2022


That the minutes of the GMCA Waste & Recycling Committee held on 12 October 2022 be noted.

28/10/2022 - Minutes of the GMCA Audit Committee held on 19 October 2022 ref: 1532    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Greater Manchester Combined Authority

Made at meeting: 28/10/2022 - Greater Manchester Combined Authority

Decision published: 01/11/2022

Effective from: 28/10/2022


That the minutes of the Audit Committee meeting held on 19 October 2022 be noted.

28/10/2022 - EXCLUSION OF THE PRESS AND PUBLIC ref: 1553    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Greater Manchester Combined Authority

Made at meeting: 28/10/2022 - Greater Manchester Combined Authority

Decision published: 01/11/2022

Effective from: 28/10/2022


That, under section 100 (A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 the press and public should be excluded from the meeting for the following items on business on the grounds that this involved the likely disclosure of exempt information, as set out in the relevant paragraphs of Part 1, Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 and that the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighed the public interest in disclosing the information.


28/10/2022 - Minutes of the GMCA meeting held on 30 September 2022 ref: 1531    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Greater Manchester Combined Authority

Made at meeting: 28/10/2022 - Greater Manchester Combined Authority

Decision published: 01/11/2022

Effective from: 28/10/2022


That the minutes of the GMCA meeting held on 30 September 2022 be approved.


28/10/2022 - Declarations of Interest ref: 1530    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Greater Manchester Combined Authority

Made at meeting: 28/10/2022 - Greater Manchester Combined Authority

Decision published: 01/11/2022

Effective from: 28/10/2022



There were no declarations received in relation to any item on the agenda.



28/10/2022 - Chairs Announcements and Urgent Business ref: 1544    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Greater Manchester Combined Authority

Made at meeting: 28/10/2022 - Greater Manchester Combined Authority

Decision published: 01/11/2022

Effective from: 28/10/2022


1.          That the GMCA record its thanks to Charlotte Ramsden for her time working in Greater Manchester and wished her the best of luck in her new role at Bradford Children and Families Trust.


2.         That the GMCA welcomes Sue Johnson to her first meeting as the Chief Executive of Bolton Council.


3.         That the update provided by the GM Mayor on the successful implementation of the GM Green Summit on Monday 17th October 2022 be received, with thanks recorded to Councillor Martyn Cox for his work leading on the event.


4.         That the news that Rt Hon Michael Gove MP had returned to the role of Secretary of State for Levelling Up be welcomed and looked forward to resuming working with him in the near future.


5.         That the GMCA formally record its congratulatations to Greater Manchester Police following the welcome news that HMICFRS has confirmed that it will not only be released from special measures, but also that it currently ranks as the most improved force in the country.


6.         That the news that the L.S. Lowry painting ‘Going to the Match’ will be retained by The Lowry Collection for display at the Lowry Art Gallery be welcomed.

28/10/2022 - Apologies ref: 1529    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Greater Manchester Combined Authority

Made at meeting: 28/10/2022 - Greater Manchester Combined Authority

Decision published: 01/11/2022

Effective from: 28/10/2022


That apologies be received and noted from Deputy Mayor, Police Fire & Crime, Bev Hughes, Councillor Mark Hunter (Stockport), Councillor Andrew Western (Trafford) and Steve Rumbelow (Rochdale), Tom Stannard (Salford),  Sara Todd (Trafford) and Alison McKenzie-Folan (Wigan).