
Use the below search options at the bottom of the page to find information regarding recent decisions that have been taken by the council’s decision making bodies.

Alternatively you can visit the Officer and Mayoral decisions page for information on officer delegated decisions that have been taken by council officers.

Decisions published

08/06/2023 - PCC DN - Salford Council - STEER funded by YEF ref: 2092    Recommendations Approved

Programme Challenger has benefitted from the delivery of Steer in Salford since its inception, and in Bolton, Trafford and Wigan more recently, and has supported the work in engaging with young people and young adults at risk from or involved in serious and organised crime.

Salford Foundation has been successful in a bid for funding to continue and scale up STEER delivery across Greater Manchester. The contribution includes retrospective contribution funding for 2022/23 as the Youth Endowment Fund commencement date was delayed.

Decision Maker: Director for Police, Crime, Criminal Justice and Fire

Decision published: 07/07/2023

Effective from: 08/06/2023


£21,500 will be provided to Salford City Council from Programme Challenger budget as a contribution to the total costs of delivering the STEER programme for the period April 2022 – July 2023.

STEER provides one to one mentoring for young people aged 10-17 at risk of serious youth violence and child criminal exploitation. It utilises specifically designed interventions and positive activities aiming to “steer” young people down a legitimate path helping to improve resilience, motivation and reduce risk taking behaviours.
Mentors support each young person to create their own plan and set goals. They also help young people to improve pro-social skills and develop coping mechanisms.

Lead officer: Lisa Lees

08/06/2023 - PCC DN - Accommodation for VRU Victims Lead ref: 2089    Recommendations Approved

The main aim of the Violence Reduction Learning Event is to share learning across VRUs pertaining to the following:

- Adopting a Public Health Approach to serious violence
- Sharing good practice between VRU and non-VRU areas.
- Sharing Serious Violence Duty learning to date
- Practical learning from using and developing data effectively
- Sharing learning around developing the evidence base
- Putting prevention at the heart of violence reduction activity
- Working with partners and communities to be preventative by addressing the underlying causes of causes.

Decision Maker: Director for Police, Crime, Criminal Justice and Fire

Decision published: 07/07/2023

Effective from: 08/06/2023


The Greater Manchester Violence Reduction Unit are seeking to make the following payment covering accommodation for a Lancashire Police hosted Serious Violence Duty Event on Thursday 8th June:

Click Travel
A payment to be made of £121.49 to cover 1 night’s hotel accommodation in Preston (standard rate, chain hotel)

Lead officer: Lisa Lees

08/06/2023 - PCC DN - Deaf Awareness taster session ref: 2088    Recommendations Approved

It is a team and organisation priority to have Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity (EDI) training. The Team Away Day presents a good opportunity for a taster session to train the majority of the team together

Decision Maker: Director for Police, Crime, Criminal Justice and Fire

Decision published: 07/07/2023

Effective from: 08/06/2023


£75 is allocated to provide a d/Deaf Awareness taster session at a Police, Crime, Criminal Justice and Fire Team Away Day.

Lead officer: Lisa Lees

08/06/2023 - PCC DN - Venue for GBV Board ref: 2077    Recommendations Approved

To allow the GBV Board to meet in person. The GBV Board meets quarterly to drive and oversee implementation of the city-region’s ten-year GBV Strategy.

The GBV Strategy is vital to delivering on Greater Manchester’s Our People, Our Place commitments to being a place where ‘people are proud to live’, where ‘all children are given the best start in life’, and ‘where all voices are heard’.

The ambition is to challenge the attitudes and social conditions that sustain or excuse GBV and deliver whole system improvements in responses to those affected by it. These will fundamentally change the story of Greater Manchester in terms of what it delivers with regard to safety for women and girls, gender equality, challenging misogyny - the contempt that follows from ingrained sexism - and holding perpetrators of GBV - the majority of whom are men and boys - to account.

Decision Maker: Director for Police, Crime, Criminal Justice and Fire

Decision published: 07/07/2023

Effective from: 08/06/2023


A payment of £480.00 be made by the Gender-Based Violence (GBV) Board to Greater Manchester Chamber of Commerce to book a room covering meeting space for 30 attendees for a Board meeting to be held on 20 June 2023.

Lead officer: Lisa Lees

08/06/2023 - PCC DN - Venue Hire and Catering for RASSO away day ref: 2076    Recommendations Approved

A key element of the ongoing programme of Sexual Violence Harm reduction work, has been establishing best working practices between CVS support services for sexual violence and GMP/ GMCA.

There has been an added emphasis and requirement for this work following Operation Soteria, which was launched as a response to the government End-to-End Rape Review, and the Home Office pledge to increase the number of rape cases making it to court. It was designed to test a series of tools (such as improved approaches for digital capture) and techniques (such as those associated with offender management) to engender justice outcomes.
Following Op Soteria in Greater Manchester, a number of recommendations were produced, which were agreed to be used to inform partner plans and RASSO strategy going forwards.

An away day for partners was agreed to be the most suitable method to identify best working practices, recognise issues, challenges, and action plans.

Due to limited availability of key officers to facilitate on the day, the 18th May was the only day that would attain the required attendance. Unfortunately, GMCA, GMP and other partners did not have availability within internal meeting room space to accommodate for the required numbers, and a central Manchester located private venue was required. A number of options were explored and the Mechanics Institute was deemed to be fit for purpose and offer the most value.

Decision Maker: Director for Police, Crime, Criminal Justice and Fire

Decision published: 07/07/2023

Effective from: 08/06/2023


£931.75 be allocated from the Victims budget to fund the GM Rape and Serious Sexual Offences (RASSO) away day at the Mechanics Institute on 18th May 2023.

• Room Hire
• Refreshments (Tea and Coffee)
• Lunch Buffet
• Equipment Hire

TOTAL £931.75

Lead officer: Lisa Lees

08/06/2023 - PCC DN - Venue Booking and Catering- VRU Away Day (Amendment) ref: 2073    Recommendations Approved

The Violence Reduction Unit intends to run a team away day to unite the wider GM Violence Reduction Partnership (including leads from public agencies across GM including Health, GMP, Probation, Public Health, Youth Justice and Education amongst others) in order to generate a Business Plan for the next 12 months, ensuring that Violence Reduction is at the heart of every stage of the plan. The away day is intended to generate team cohesion and ensure a partnership-wide approach to our core business planning.

Decision Maker: Director for Police, Crime, Criminal Justice and Fire

Decision published: 07/07/2023

Effective from: 08/06/2023


The Greater Manchester Violence Reduction Unit are seeking to make the following payments for a VRU Partnership Away Day on 24th May 2023:

UA92 (University Academy 92 Ltd)
A payment to be made of £880.00 to book a room & catering at UA92 covering event space for between 25 and 30 attendees, as well as lunch & refreshments (Teas, Coffees, Water, Sandwiches & Crisps) covering 40 participants.

Lead officer: Lisa Lees

07/06/2023 - GMP DN - A0973 Command and Control System (Controlworks) ref: 2071    Recommendations Approved

Procurement legislation requires GMP to award a new contract for these goods and services. The recommended route of the CCS RM6259 framework, Lot 5: Bluelight Solutions framework provides the most effective route to market.

Decision Maker: Treasurer GMCA

Decision published: 07/07/2023

Effective from: 07/06/2023


The Deputy Mayor approves the award of a 7 Year contract for provision of a Command-and-Control System to SSS Public Safety Limited (SSS), with the option to extend for a further 3+1 years. The likely value of a 10 years spend would be circa £4.5 million.

Lead officer: Lisa Lees

07/06/2023 - GMP DN - A0950 Microsoft Licences ref: 2070    Recommendations Approved

Microsoft licences are the most expensive spend of GMP’s IT department every year and cover all Windows, Server, and Azure costs. The approximate spend per annum is nearly £6million

Procurement legislation requires GMP to award a new contract for these goods and services. It is recommended that GMP participate in the ESPO Crown Commercial Supplier aggregation exercise. There is an expectation that GMP may benefit from the combined purchasing power of a number of public sector bodies and indeed other bodies may benefit from the inclusion of GMP.

GMP may undertake a benchmarking exercise, if the delivered pricing is not seen as the best available and indeed may withdraw and run our own exercise. A further approval would be sought if this approach was necessary. GMP are not committed to purchase following the aggregation exercise.

Decision Maker: Treasurer GMCA

Decision published: 07/07/2023

Effective from: 07/06/2023


Approval is given to tender the contract for the supply of Microsoft Licences using the aggregation exercise run by ESPO\Crown Commercial Suppliers.

GMP require a 3+1+1+1 contract.

Lead officer: Lisa Lees

07/06/2023 - GMP DN - A0964 The Provision Of Building Services Maintenance & Installation (HEVAC), ref: 2069    Recommendations Approved

This is requested in order to run a fully compliant 2 stage tender exercise and award a contract for a period of 3 years, with the option to extend up to a further 2 years on an annual basis.
The service is currently being provided by Oasis Limited and has been running for several years.

Decision Maker: Treasurer GMCA

Decision published: 07/07/2023

Effective from: 07/06/2023


The Deputy Mayor is asked to consider this request to run a full open 2 stage tender for the above services.

Lead officer: Lisa Lees

07/06/2023 - GMP DN - A0975 Auction House Services ref: 2068    Recommendations Approved

Procurement legislation requires GMP to tender for these goods and services. The recommended route provides the most effective route to market.

The award of a call-off agreement through a further competition via the CCS Framework RM6171 Lot 6: Managed Service for Asset Recovery, which allows for a fully managed service for the transportation, resale or disposal of any item or asset, including:
• high value items
• electrical equipment
• office equipment and machinery
• vehicles
This also includes anything confiscated or seized under a forfeiture order Proceeds of Crime Act (POCA)

Decision Maker: Treasurer GMCA

Decision published: 07/07/2023

Effective from: 07/06/2023


The Deputy Mayor approves the tender of a three-year contract term contract for Auction House services, with the option to extend for a further one-year optional extension. The likely value of the 48-month contract period would be circa £800,000.00 in total (income).

Lead officer: Lisa Lees

05/06/2023 - PCC DN - SHiFT delivery – VRU intervention in Manchester ref: 2027    Recommendations Approved

SHiFT is a national charity that works with vulnerable children and young people caught up in, or at risk of cycles of harm where things are getting worse, not better. SHiFT will collaborate with the Violence Reduction Unit and Manchester City Council to establish trusting professional relationships between practitioners and young people to give them the support they need to improve their lives.
A private donor has provided 50% of total programme cost for 18 months of delivery of the programme to children and young people in Manchester and Manchester City Council are providing the remaining 25%.

Decision Maker: Treasurer GMCA

Decision published: 03/07/2023

Effective from: 05/06/2023


£150,000 be provided to Manchester City Council as a contribution to deliver targeted interventions to prevent vulnerable young people from being drawn into risky behaviours that could impact negatively on them and their communities, to cover delivery for 2023/24.

Lead officer: Lisa Lees

01/06/2023 - PCC DN - Programme Challenger’s We Move Mentoring project ref: 2026    Recommendations Approved

We Move complements local policing and crime reduction priorities, and since going live in Autumn 2022, the project has gone from strength to strength, with over 50 young people on the programme, 14 of which are girls, who are all successfully engaging in an extensive range of positive activities. To date, the mentees have also collectively achieved over 23 qualifications, with many working towards achieving qualifications in subjects from life skills, peer mentoring, to construction. We also have 6 mentees who have re engaged in education and 2 who have gained employment.

This funding will enable us to support 56 more vulnerable young people to believe better is possible, accepting referrals from a wide range of statutory and non statutory agencies including the Police, Youth Justice Teams, Children’s Services, and education settings (incl PRU’s). ‘We Move’ adopts an ‘invest to save delivery model’, in recognition that the costs involved in delivery of the project are minimal compared to the community safety impact and potential individual harm (e.g., cost of a YP in the Youth Justice Service can be more than £29,000 per year based on the GMCA’s Unit Cost Database).

The programme is currently being evaluated by the Open University with a report expected in late 2023. This will include an analysis of the impact of the programme on a sample of mentees, which will enable us to consider the potential system savings of We Move. Furthermore, we collate performance information on a quarterly basis to ensure that we are successfully achieving our aims and outcomes:
• Deliver timely and tailored one to one and group mentoring to mentees with a view to building a trusted relationship, offering swift and tangible opportunities which support the mentee to believe better is possible.
• Mentees are supported to design a pathway to their personal goal, whatever that may be.
• Mentees are empowered to develop, meaningful and positive connections within their communities by engaging them in locally available activities.
• The mentees journey throughout the programme is captured to evidence distance travelled. The projects seeks to achieve the following aims and outcomes for our mentees:

Soft outcomes (as applicable to individual mentee)

o Improved health / mental wellbeing
o Improved confidence / self-esteem / resilience
o Reduction in anxiety levels (identification of strategies to help them reduce their anxiety)
o Reduced feelings of loneliness.
o Improvement in behaviour
o Improved pro social engagement.
o Improved feelings of safety

Tangible outcomes (as applicable to individual mentee)

o Mentees are engaging in positive activities.
o Mentees are engaging / re engaging in education.
o Mentees are achieving qualifications.
o Mentees schools attendance has improved.
o Mentees who are at risk of exclusion have remained in school.
o Mentees are no longer committing criminal offences (e.g., violent incidents, anti social behaviour, robbery, drug dealing)
o Mentees have secured employment opportunities (work placements, apprenticeships, employment)

Supporting our mentees to remain in school alone could save the system at a minimum £13,000 per young person, and we have seen huge interest from secondary schools. In recognition of this, and our ambitions to share the We Move ethos with as many vulnerable young people as possible, we are currently trialling two peer mentoring groups within a secondary school in Tameside (girls and boys group), which are going really well. As part of the groups participants will gain valuable knowledge and skills in a variety of areas and achieve an accredited Peer Mentoring qualification. If successful, we will be exploring opportunities to offer this approach to more schools.

Through We Move we are also seeking to support the VCSE organisations involved in the delivery of the project by improving their capacity and capability to deliver sports plus provision, which includes providing access to a comprehensive mentor training package which seeks to ensure that they are pro-social in their approach and embed trauma informed principles.

YEF reports that Mentoring is effective in both reducing crime and the behaviours associated with crime and violence with research suggesting that, on average, mentoring reduces violence by 21%, all offending by 14%, and reoffending by 19%. This approach is therefore supportive of GMP’s ambitions to reduce crime and offending, with prevention and problem solving at the forefront, along with their ambitions to keep children and young people safe within their families and communities. We Move is a truly asset based, and child led approach, and the learning from the project will be shared within GMP and partners to inform future community led projects

Decision Maker: Treasurer GMCA

Decision published: 03/07/2023

Effective from: 01/06/2023


That the Deputy Mayor agrees to the funding allocation of £80,000 (period 2023-2024) from the Police Property Act to be awarded to the VCSE organisations involved in the delivery of Programme Challenger’s We Move Mentoring Project to enable them to support a further 56 young people who are at risk of school exclusion and involvement in serious and organised crime and serious youth violence.

The VCSE organisations delivering We Move on behalf of GMP, are currently Diane Modahl Sports Foundation and Oldham Boxing and Personal Development Club.

For an investment of around 1.3k per mentee we think that there is evidence to suggest that We Move could result in system savings of up to approximately £29,000 for some individuals (just based on those engaged in Youth Justice provision). In some extreme cases we think We Move could prevent school exclusions resulting in system savings of 370k per individual.

As part of We Move, mentees (aged 12-18 years) are matched with a dedicated mentor who will provide them with tailored one to one support, and work with them to design a pathway to their personal goal.

We Move offers:

? financial support to enable young people on the programme to access positive activities (e.g., sport, theatre and musical opportunities);
? Support to access other services which address personal challenges (including wellbeing, therapeutic behavioural support, addiction and mental health support), and we have partnered with Early Break and 42nd Street; and
? Support to access employment and education opportunities that are right for them.

Lead officer: Lisa Lees

01/06/2023 - PCC DN - Unity Radio ads - TfGM ref: 2025    Recommendations Approved

The strategic aim of the VRUs communications plan is to reduce serious violence by increasing aspirations of young people in Greater Manchester, and reassuring the public that the VRU is working together with partners and the community to address serious violence and its underlying causes.

The communications objectives are to:
• Raise awareness of how Greater Manchester Violence Reduction Unit (VRU) is working together with partners and the community to address serious violence.
• Promote an alternative to violence by showcasing opportunities for people affected by violence and build aspirations for young people through campaigns and communications activity.
• Demonstrate the impact of the VRU in reducing serious violence, especially violence amongst young people.

The VRU have funded Unity Radio to deliver three nine-week programmes with 10+ young people to raise awareness of serious violence and knife crime through a series of conversations led by young people.

The partnership enables young people, aged 13-17, to discuss issues relating to serious violence that affect them in several workshops, before creating content to be aired live on Unity Radio’s NGY show.

Although there are already a significant number of young people who regularly listen to the show from across GM, we are keen to encourage new listeners to ensure our messaging reaches as many of our audience as possible and this funding to Transport for Greater Manchester seeks to maximise the reach of our Unity Radio campaign.

Decision Maker: Director for Police, Crime, Criminal Justice and Fire

Decision published: 03/07/2023

Effective from: 01/06/2023


To award £750.00 to Transport for Greater Manchester for out of home adverts to promote the NGY show on Unity Radio.

The ads will be used on TfGM’s website and digital screens at Piccadilly Metrolink station for a period of two weeks.

Lead officer: Lisa Lees

01/06/2023 - PCC DN - UniteHer 2023 ref: 2024    Recommendations Approved

On Saturday 17th June 2023, the Clinical Lead for the GM VRU will host the UniteHER event at Moss Side Leisure Centre. UniteHER is a female only social event aimed to bring girls ages 11-16years old with inspirational female role models in professions that they may initially have hesitancy about (i.e. Police, doctors, social workers, emergency responders...). The event aims to improve communication and relationships between them by using sport and learning workshops to unite the groups together. UniteHER will partner with the Greater Manchester Violence Reduction Unit and England Netball.

The event involves netball skills sessions delivered by England Netball followed by a Q&A with a professional netball player and lunch. The afternoon sessions involved the delivery of 2 workshops; lifesaving skills session delivered by StreetDoctors and a session on understanding healthy relationships, delivered by Tough Cookies, a Trafford Domestic Abuse Service.

The GM VRU has agreed to provide one-off funding for the services provided by the above organisations during the event out of the 2023/24 Serous Violence Fund (Health & Wellbeing Budget Line)

Decision Maker: Director for Police, Crime, Criminal Justice and Fire

Decision published: 03/07/2023

Effective from: 01/06/2023


The GM VRU wishes to pay the following organisations for their services during the UniteHER event on Saturday 17th June 2023 At Moss Side Leisure Centre:

StreetDoctors: £400 – For the delivery of the lifesaving skills sessions for the attendees of the event

KitLocker: £440.11 - For the provision of UniteHer branded t-shirts for the participants of the event (50 T-Shirts)

ACE Food: £550 - For the provision of packed lunches for the attendees of the event (60 units)

ToughCookies: £285 - For the Delivery of Healthy Relationship sessions for the attendees of the event

Total amount: £1,675.11

Lead officer: Lisa Lees

01/06/2023 - PCC DN - GMP Annual VAWG Recognition Event ref: 2023    Recommendations Approved

GMP’s Annual VAWG reward / recognition event will be focusing on
community champions who work to tackle VAWG / GBV, alongside partnership working – with awards for community champions and partners. Therefore this is a chance to showcase work taking place across GM in tackling GBV and which will help with delivery of the GBV Strategy.

There will be guest speakers on topics ranging from incels / the manosphere, active by-stander behaviour, case studies highlighting survivor’s voices and a 17 year old youth champion for ending gender based violence.

Approximately 80-100 people in attendance the ambition for the day is, as a collective partnership, recognise the good work being done to combat VAWG / GBV in Greater Manchester, instil confidence in our commitment to continue tackling the problem whilst acknowledging the work still to be done.

This will also provide a chance to promote aspects of the GMCA GBV Comms campaigns.

Decision Maker: Director for Police, Crime, Criminal Justice and Fire

Decision published: 03/07/2023

Effective from: 01/06/2023


£5000 be provided to GMP for the annual VAWG reward / recognition event on 14th September. This will be used to fund venue hire, catering and the glass awards presented to GMP staff, partners and community champions.

Lead officer: Lisa Lees

01/06/2023 - PCC DN - APCC National Chaplaincy Service 2021/2022 & 2022/2023 ref: 2022    Recommendations Approved

At the APCC AGM in July 2016, the vast majority of PCCs agreed to fund the National Police Chaplaincy Service on an ongoing basis.

Decision Maker: Director for Police, Crime, Criminal Justice and Fire

Decision published: 03/07/2023

Effective from: 01/06/2023


A payment of £189.80 to be made to the APCC for the National Chaplaincy Service for the period of 2021/2022 and 2022/ 2023. The funding will be allocated from the Police and Crime Commissioners budget.

Lead officer: Lisa Lees

26/05/2023 - PCC DN - 12 month extension MoJ Victims Core Grant funding (tier 2 victims services) ref: 2021    Recommendations Approved

The recommissioning of the GM Victims’ Service commenced in 2022 and it was expected that a new gate-way service would be in place by December 2022. However, this was further delayed with a new service now due to be in place by July 2023.

Extending support services underpinning this to align with this and whilst the review of the Tier 2 services takes place is crucial whilst this commissioning exercise is underway. This will maintain stability across the sector and continue to provide essential support to victims in GM.

Decision Maker: Monitoring Officer GMCA

Decision published: 03/07/2023

Effective from: 26/05/2023


The Victim Services Strategic Review continues to take place. The multi crime Victim Service is now out for tender and a new service is expected to be in place by 1st July 2023. This has delayed the review of services underpinning this and commissioning decisions around where we allocate funding in future.

An expression of Interest will be undertaken to appoint someone to review the Tier 2 services, therefore to allow adequate time to undertake the review and communicate this to services and partners we are recommending that the services we currently fund are extended for a further 12 months. An outline proposal for future funding and procurement will be developed by autumn 2023.

It is recommended that the following services, currently grant funded by GMCA, are extended for a further 12 months (1st April 2023 – 31st March 2024) to align with this process.

The services included in the 12-month extension are:

• Manchester Action on Street Health (MASH) - £49,012
• Survivors Manchester - £81,952
• Trafford Rape Crisis - £22,500
• Greater Manchester Rape Crisis - £22,500
• Local Authority IDVA service provision - £420,000 across 10 local authorities (Manchester 60k, all other local authorities £40k)
• LGBT IDVA (Manchester City Council for commissioning the LGBT Foundation) - £29,593
• Guardian Project - £49,000
• Community Safety Trust (CST) - £28,116
• Greater Manchester Domestic Abuse Helpline Service (Independent Choices) – £30,000
• LGBT Hate Crime Service (LGBT Foundation) - £29,580
• City Hearts – Trafficking Support Service - £20,000

Total funding of £703,660 via the MOJ Victims Budget for 2023/24.

Total funding to be approved - £703,660

Lead officer: Lisa Lees

26/05/2023 - PCC DN - Increased allocation for I am Greater campaign ref: 2018    Recommendations Approved

I am greater murals have been painted in three locations across Greater
Manchester – Tameside, Bury and Salford.
Young people designed the murals with an artist (Oskar with a k) and were taught how to spray paint.
Different colours were used for each mural to make them unique – this made paint costs higher than initially expected.

The end point survey will evaluate the performance of the second phase of the campaign and act as a baseline for the third phase. We have used a survey company (Obsurvant) to ensure a good number of responses, as previously we have struggled to have young people complete surveys. A
pair of airpods have also been purchased by Hitch as an incentive for young people to complete the survey.

Decision Maker: Director for Police, Crime, Criminal Justice and Fire

Decision published: 03/07/2023

Effective from: 26/05/2023


The GM VRU is seeking to provide Hitch Marketing with an extra £2,202 to cover additional costs for the I am greater murals and end-point survey.
£8,410 was initially awarded to Hitch for this work, additional spend was required to cover material costs (underestimated initially) and survey completion. This Decision replaces a Decision published on 20/12/2022, in which in the incorrect amount of £2002 was stated.

Lead officer: Lisa Lees

09/06/2023 - GMCA Devolved Adult Education Budget - Academic Year 23/24 ref: 2008    Recommendations Approved

GMCA have run a competitive process. In total 49 bids were received across both lots, with 30 in lot one and 19 in lot two.

Each bid was sent to a full evaluation panel. GMCA’s Information Governance Team also reviewed each provider’s IG submission to ensure that they were acceptable, and the finances of the bidding company were also checked.
The mini-competition comprised of 2 parts, covering (80%) Quality, (20%) Social Value via the Social Value Portal. The Quality selection process involved evaluating the bidders’ responses on a number of criteria including:
- Learning Delivery Approach
- Quality and Track Record
- Mobilisation and Implementation
- Engagement and Stakeholder Management
- Performance Management and Monitoring
- Financial Value for Money

Following the evaluations, the bidders were ranked based on their total overall score and all organisations who had met the minimum evaluation criteria as per the published documentation, were invited to a two-part negotiation procedure, the first stage was to ask all providers to resubmit their allocation asks, taking into account a number of factors, including but not limited to the following:

- Coverage, reach, capacity and affordability
- Value for money, based on the cost, volumes and balance/mix of provision.
- The extent to which the totality of the proposals responds to the LMI appended to the specification, in particular the proposed offer available in those areas with high concentrations of residents with low/no qualifications.
- Current performance of existing devolved GM AEB contract for service providers, where relevant

Following the resubmissions, each organisation was invited to a negotiation meeting to discuss any remaining points. These discussions centred around the values of contracts, past performance considerations, reviewing supply chains and distribution across localities.

Contracts will be awarded to the bidders listed above. Any bidder who scored one or below on two or more questions, did not pass the economic and financial standing evaluations, the minimum OFSTED requirements or did not submit a proposal for a contract value above the minimum or below the maximum for the relevant lot has been excluded from the process.

Decision Maker: Treasurer GMCA

Decision published: 23/06/2023

Effective from: 01/07/2023


Following a competitive procurement process using GMCA’s Education Work and Skills Flexible Procurement System, GMCA wishes to award the following contracts:

Lot 1 - Upskilling unemployed residents and residents who are economically inactive into employment:

Babington Group Ltd - £650,088.00
Back 2 Work Complete Training - £1,979,980.20
Bright Direction Training - £991,846.80
Get SET Academy - £521,690.00
Gloucestershire College - £745,998.00
Mantra Learning Ltd - £3,148,193.58
Realise Learning & Employment Ltd - £1,040,232.12
Rochdale Training - £412,162.80
Seetec Business College - £1,262,006.90
Standguide Limited - £1,149,951.28
The Constructions Skills People Ltd - £771,686.00
The Growth Company - £3,014,976.97
Total People Ltd - £893,322.50
Workers' Educational Association - £1,416,909.12

Lot 2 - Upskilling / reskilling employed residents:

Acorn Training - £541,810.00
Babington Group Ltd - £209,783.00
DMR Training and Consultancy Ltd - £254,227.00
Mantra Learning Ltd - £1,655,377.67
Rochdale Training - £279,724.40
The Growth Company Limited - £477,810.00

The intent of the GM devolved AEB provision is to support:

• The priorities of the Greater Manchester Strategy 2021 – 2031 good lives for all:
Greater Manchester is a great place to grow up, get on and grow old; a great place to invest, do business, visit and study to become:
o A greener Greater Manchester: responding to the climate emergency
o A fairer Greater Manchester: addressing inequalities and improving wellbeing for all
o A more prosperous Greater Manchester: driving local and UK growth.
• Unemployed residents, including those furthest away from the labour market and residents who are economically inactive with the potential of re-entering the workplace, to develop the essential skills and occupational competences needed to progress further in learning, work or careers, on courses aligned with local employer needs.
• Employed residents, to improve their skills and be more productive, or retrain to find a better job supporting in-work progression for adults into higher level careers, adapting to changing employer needs.
• Occupational skills gaps to support our business needs, providing employers with a locally skilled workforce.
Further information on the scope of the procurement can be found in the embedded specification attached.

Lead officer: Nicola Ward

02/06/2023 - Adult Skills Level 3 Targeted Offer ref: 1991    Recommendations Approved

The intent of the GM’s Adult Skills Level 3 targeted offer is to support the priorities of the Greater Manchester Strategy 2021 – 2031 good lives for all.
Greater Manchester is a great place to grow up, get on and grow old; a great place to invest, do business, visit and study to become:
• A greener Greater Manchester: responding to the climate emergency.
• A fairer Greater Manchester: addressing inequalities and improving wellbeing for all
• A more prosperous Greater Manchester: driving local and UK growth.
• To develop the occupational competences needed to progress further in learning, work or careers, on courses aligned to Greater Manchester’s key growth and foundational occupational areas.
• To improve the skills of residents and be more productive or retrain to find a better job supporting in-work progression for adults into higher level careers, adapting to changing employer needs.
• Target occupational skills gaps to support our business needs, providing employers with a locally skilled workforce.
GM’s Adult Skills Level 3 Targeted Offer incorporates two funding streams under one single pot:
• An allocation of funding from GM’s core devolved Adult Education Budget for targeted Level 3 delivery, and
• GMs devolved ringfenced allocation from the national Free Courses for Jobs Level 3 offer.
Within the funding streams there are three core strands, differentiated by a resident’s eligibility and a set of fully funded Level 3 qualifications. These strands are as follows:
• GM Local Level 3 for Adults
• GM FCFJ Level 3 Local Funding Flexibility
• National Free Courses for Jobs Level 3 offer

Activity funded from this commission can be summarised as follows:

• Overall value: £4.91m for the period June 2023 to July 2024.
• In total, the successful bidders propose to engage with 3,112 residents across GM
Further information on the scope of the procurement can be found in the specification.
GMCA have run a competitive process. In total 17 bids were received.

Each bid was sent to a full evaluation panel. GMCA’s Information Governance Team also reviewed each provider’s IG submission to ensure that they were acceptable, and the finances of the bidding company were also checked.

The mini-competition comprised of 2 parts, covering (80%) Quality, (20%) Social Value via the Social Value Portal. The Quality selection process involved evaluating the bidders’ responses on a number of criteria including:
- Learning Delivery Approach
- Strategic Approach
- Track Record and Quality
- Engagement and Stakeholder Management
- Performance Management and Monitoring
- Financial Value for Money

Following evaluation, the bidders were ranked based on their total score. Contracts will be awarded to the bidders listed above. Any bidder who scored two or below on two or more questions or did not pass the financial checks were excluded from the process.

Decision Maker: Treasurer GMCA

Decision published: 02/06/2023

Effective from: 02/06/2023


Following a competitive procurement process using GMCA’s Education Work and Skills Flexible Procurement System, GMCA wishes to award the following contracts:

The Growth Company - £710,692
Standguide Limited - £ 724,256.53
Bright Direction Training - £185,640
Plato Training - £979,939.10
Realise Learning and Employment - £772,540
Gloucestershire College - £325,134
Back to Work - £286,881.14
Total People Ltd - £351,814
DMR Training and Consultancy - £250,941
Workers' Educational Association - £330,119

Lead officer: Sylvia Welsh

23/05/2023 - Acquisition of Bus Depot to support Bus Franchising ref: 1990    Recommendations Approved

Acquisition of Bus Depot to support Bus Franchising

Decision Maker: Chief Executive Officer GMCA & TfGM

Decision published: 01/06/2023

Effective from: 23/05/2023


To approve the acquisition of a bus depot to support bus franchising, within previously approved capital and revenue budgets for bus franchising.

Lead officer: Sylvia Welsh

26/05/2023 - Armed Forces Covenant Delivery in Greater Manchester ref: 1976    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Greater Manchester Combined Authority

Made at meeting: 26/05/2023 - Greater Manchester Combined Authority

Decision published: 30/05/2023

Effective from: 26/05/2023


1.  That the updates provided on progress made to deliver against the Armed Forces Covenant coherently across GM be noted.


2.  That the intent to develop a 5-year Roadmap, including Health outputs be approved .


3.  That consideration be given to the formation of a leadership body made up of armed forces representatives from the 10 GM Local Authorities be included in the development of the 5-year roadmap.


4.  That recognition be given to the determination across Greater Manchester to meet recent legislation but go even further to deliver a Gold Standard Offer for our Armed Forces Community, to be enshrined in a new GM Armed Forces Covenant.


5.  That Armed Forces Community be recognised as a key Community of Identity that should be prioritised accordingly.


6.  That all Leaders receive an open invitation to visit Wigan Council’s Armed Forces Hub as an exemplar of what can be achieved.


7.  That the GMCA expresses its love and best wishes to the family of Fusilier Lee Rigby on the tenth anniversary of his passing.


8.  That the GMCA expresses its love and best wishes to all those impacted by the Manchester Arena Bombing following the recent marking of the sixth anniversary at the Glade of Light Tribute.

26/05/2023 - Closure of Bridging Hotels for Afghan Refugees and the Impact of Wider Asylum-Migration Policymaking on Homelessness in Greater Manchester ref: 1977    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Greater Manchester Combined Authority

Made at meeting: 26/05/2023 - Greater Manchester Combined Authority

Decision published: 30/05/2023

Effective from: 26/05/2023


1.  That the agreed measures to facilitate a coordinated and consistent approach across Greater Manchester’s boroughs, in order to minimise the homelessness impact of Afghan Bridging hotel closures, be acknowledged.


2.  That it be agreed that representations be made to Government aimed at minimising the impact of the Bridging hotel closures, restating GM’s commitment to welcoming people seeking asylum and refugees and addressing the role of wider asylum and immigration policies in driving homelessness.


3.  That all GM Leaders be invited to sign the letter to the Secretary of State.


4.     That the GMCA record its sincere thanks to Manchester and Stockport Councils for all that they were doing to provide accommodation to displaced Afghan nationals.

26/05/2023 - GM Investment Framework, Conditional Project Approval ref: 1988    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Greater Manchester Combined Authority

Made at meeting: 26/05/2023 - Greater Manchester Combined Authority

Decision published: 30/05/2023

Effective from: 26/05/2023

26/05/2023 - GM Housing Investment Loans Fund - Investment Approval Recommendations ref: 1989    For Determination

Decision Maker: Greater Manchester Combined Authority

Made at meeting: 26/05/2023 - Greater Manchester Combined Authority

Decision published: 30/05/2023

Effective from: 26/05/2023

26/05/2023 - GM Investment Framework, Conditional Project Approval ref: 1985    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Greater Manchester Combined Authority

Made at meeting: 26/05/2023 - Greater Manchester Combined Authority

Decision published: 30/05/2023

Effective from: 07/06/2023


1.  That the loan facility of up to £1m into the Enterprise Growth for Communities Fund be approved.


2.  That the investment into The Modular Analytics Company Limited of £400,000, approved under delegation, be noted.


3.  That the amendment to the investment quantum into Miribase Limited (“Shopblocks”) of £350,000, approved under delegation, be noted.


4.  That authority be delegated to the GMCA Treasurer and Monitoring Officer to review the due diligence information in respect of the above loan, and, subject to their satisfactory review and agreement of the due diligence information and the overall detailed commercial terms of the loan, to sign off any outstanding conditions, issue final approvals and complete any necessary related documentation in respect of the loan noted above.


5.  That the GMCA will receive an annual report on the GM Investment Framework, detailing work undertaken over the previous 12 months.

26/05/2023 - GM Housing Investment Loans Fund - Investment Approval Recommendations ref: 1986    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Greater Manchester Combined Authority

Made at meeting: 26/05/2023 - Greater Manchester Combined Authority

Decision published: 30/05/2023

Effective from: 07/06/2023


1.  That the Greater Manchester Housing Investment Loans Fund loans detailed in the table below, as detailed further in this and the accompanying Part B report be approved.






Capital & Centric (Cocoon) Ltd

Farnworth Green



CitiHaus 7 Ltd

The Highline




2.  That authority be delegated to the GMCA Treasurer acting in conjunction with the GMCA Monitoring Officer to prepare and effect the necessary legal agreements.


3.  That the variations to the terms of various GM Housing Investments Loans Fund loans detailed in the table below which have been approved by the GMCA Chief Executive under delegated authority, as detailed further in this and the accompanying Part B report be noted.






Well Built Homes Ltd

Hebron Street



Splash Contracts Ltd

Medlock Road



Jubilee Way Estates Ltd

Bury Magistrates Court



GJS (Blade) Investments Ltd

The Blade



AH2 Gee Cross Ltd

Rowbotham Street




26/05/2023 - Greater Manchester Active Travel Programme ref: 1984    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Greater Manchester Combined Authority

Made at meeting: 26/05/2023 - Greater Manchester Combined Authority

Decision published: 30/05/2023

Effective from: 07/06/2023


1.    That the release of a total of up to £17.1 million of MCF delivery funding for the following schemes, as set out in Section 2 of the report, be approved:

a.    Greater Manchester Bee Network Crossings – Phase 3: £4,312,386;

b.    Bolton Town Centre East – Phase 1: £4,998,000;

c.    Oldham Town Centre – Lord Street/Rock Street: £2,951,594;

d.    Trafford Talbot Road: £4,751,389.


2.    That the award to Greater Manchester of £25.2 million from round 4 of the Active Travel Fund (ATF4) be noted and that the addition of this funding to the 2023/2024 GMCA Capital (£24.1 million) and Transport Revenue budgets (£1.1 million) respectively, be approved.


3.    That the release of up to £3.6 million of ATF4 delivery funding for the Stockport Helix Ramp scheme, as part of the wider Stockport Mixed Use development be approved.


4.    That the planned governance and assurance for GM’s ATF4 programme, including delegation to the Active Travel Programme Board for the award of cycle parking grants, as set out in Section 3 of this report, be approved.

26/05/2023 - Transport Capital Programme ref: 1983    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Greater Manchester Combined Authority

Made at meeting: 26/05/2023 - Greater Manchester Combined Authority

Decision published: 30/05/2023

Effective from: 07/06/2023


1.     That the outcome of the work that has been undertaken in recent months to formulate a strategy to consider the budgetary pressures on the Transport Capital Programme be noted and endorsed and that an annual report covering the ongoing impacts of budgetary pressures be received (Section 2).


2.     That the draw-down of CRSTS funding be approved, as follows:

·         Golborne Station: £0.98m to enable the ongoing development of the Outline Business Case (OBC) for this DfT retained scheme (para 3.6).

·           Ashton – Stockport QBT scheme: £0.09m to commence work to progress an Outline Business Case (OBC), including the completion of an exercise to prioritise interventions for delivery (para 3.8).

·           Tyldesley Travel Hub (including Park and Ride) Scheme: £0.25m to develop an Outline Business Case (OBC) (para 3.12).

·           Oldham Town Centre (Accessible Oldham Phase 2): £0.9m to develop the scheme to Final Business Case (para 3.16).

·           Queens Park Bridge (Strategic Highways Maintenance): the remaining £1.6m to enable Rochdale Council to tender and carry out the works to complete the scheme (Section 4).


3.  That the draw-down of CRSTS funding for the balance of development funding for schemes that secured interim CRSTS funding in February 2023 whilst a review of budgetary challenges was undertaken be approved (Section 5), as follows:

·         High Speed 2 / Northern Powerhouse Rail Programme: £7.15m to continue development of the programme.

·         Rapid Transit Extensions Package: £0.45m to continue development of the programme.

·      Tram-Train Package: £3.26m to continue development of the programme.

·         Travel Hubs Package: £0.25m to continue development of the programme.

·         Stop Improvements and New Stops Package: £0.5m to continue development of the programme.

4.  That those schemes that had achieved SOBC, and that GMCA approved £2.6m of CRSTS funding draw-down in February 2023 to continue scheme development (Section 6) be formally noted as follows:

·           Bury: Radcliffe Town Centre.

·         Stockport: Hempshaw Lane.

·         Stockport: Bredbury Economic Corridor Improvement (BECI).

·         Stockport: A6 / School Lane / Manchester Road.


5.  That the addition (including the respective allocations to Local Authority partners) to the 2023/24 Capital Programme (funded from CRSTS), (Section 7) be approved a follows:

·           £16.3m forecast expenditure for Minor Works / Road Safety (previously Integrated Transport Block) measures.

·         £35m for core highway maintenance.


6.  That an increase to the Core Highways Maintenance budget for 2023/24 from £26.5m to £35m (para 7.3) be approved.


7.  That it be noted that the Spring Budget included additional road maintenance funding of £6.2m for GM (para 7.5).


8.    That the Mayor of Greater Manchester’s update following a meeting with the Rail Minister be received, and that concerns raised regarding the impact upon the Castlefield Corridor following the withdrawal of support for Platforms 15 & 16 at Manchester Piccadilly be noted.

26/05/2023 - Salford Partnership ref: 1982    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Greater Manchester Combined Authority

Made at meeting: 26/05/2023 - Greater Manchester Combined Authority

Decision published: 30/05/2023

Effective from: 26/05/2023


1.  That the proposal for the Combined Authority enter into the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Salford City Council and Homes England to form the Salford Strategic Regeneration Partnership, be approved.


2.  That the objectives and principles of the Strategic Regeneration Partnership as set out in section 4 below be noted and approved.


3.  That the GMCA receive further updates on delivery progress at Salford Strategic Regeneration Partnership.

26/05/2023 - GMCA Sustainability Strategy 2022-26 Update ref: 1981    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Greater Manchester Combined Authority

Made at meeting: 26/05/2023 - Greater Manchester Combined Authority

Decision published: 30/05/2023

Effective from: 26/05/2023


1.  That the content and detail within the report be noted.


2.  That the outlined actions proposed for 2023/24 in respect of the GMCA’s Corporate Sustainability Strategy be approved.


3.  That Leaders be requested to circulate the Members briefing (Annex 01) to their respective local Councillors for information.


4.  That it be noted that the Mayor of Greater Manchester and Tom Ross will submit a related report to the GMCA, ahead of the Green Summit later in the year.

26/05/2023 - Proposal for an Inclusive Ownership Platform to support community wealth building in Greater Manchester ref: 1980    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Greater Manchester Combined Authority

Made at meeting: 26/05/2023 - Greater Manchester Combined Authority

Decision published: 30/05/2023

Effective from: 26/05/2023


That it be agreed that the item be deferred to the meeting of 9th June 2023.

26/05/2023 - Cost of Living and Economic Resilience ref: 1979    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Greater Manchester Combined Authority

Made at meeting: 26/05/2023 - Greater Manchester Combined Authority

Decision published: 30/05/2023

Effective from: 26/05/2023


1.      That the latest assessment and emerging response be noted.


2.     That it be noted that Cost of Living and Economic Resilience update reports will now be received on a quarterly basis going forward.


26/05/2023 - Social Housing Quality Fund - Item Withdrawn ref: 1978    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Greater Manchester Combined Authority

Made at meeting: 26/05/2023 - Greater Manchester Combined Authority

Decision published: 30/05/2023

Effective from: 26/05/2023


Item withdrawn.

26/05/2023 - GMCA Overview & Scrutiny Committee Task and Finish Report on Integrated Water Management ref: 1975    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Greater Manchester Combined Authority

Made at meeting: 26/05/2023 - Greater Manchester Combined Authority

Decision published: 30/05/2023

Effective from: 26/05/2023


1.  That the recommendations within the report be endorsed.


2.  That the GMCA agree to seek opportunities where it can support the delivery of the recommendations, specifically:


a.  To continue to lobby for adequate national resources to support effective water management across GM (Recommendation 4),

b.  To request that Government seeks guidance from GM Local Authorities as to how best to review current planning policy to ensure that integrated water management is a predominant consideration for all new planning developments (Recommendation 6) and

c.   To request that DLUHC (Department of Levelling Up, Housing and Communities) implement Schedule 3 of the Flood and Water Management Act 2010 in line with the outcome of the consultation to ensure effective delivery with an appropriate level of central government funding provided to enable the work to be resourced at a regional level (Recommendation 6).


3.  That it be noted that the report will now be shared with GM Local Authority Councillors, Planning Committees, Scrutiny Committees and MPs for their information and appropriate action.


4.  That it be noted that at the next meeting the GMCA will receive the GM Integrated Water Management Plan which will also pick up a number of the recommendations in the report.


5.  That the GMCA record its thanks to Mandie Shilton-Godwin for leading the Task & Finish Group.


6.  That the GMCA record its to Nicola Ward, GMCA Statutory Scrutiny Officer, for support in the production of the report.


7.  That the Chief Executive of United Utilities be invited to attend the GMCA for the discussion on GM Integrated Water Management Plan item at the next meeting of the GMCA.

26/05/2023 - The Bee Network - Improving Greater Manchester's Transport Governance ref: 1974    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Greater Manchester Combined Authority

Made at meeting: 26/05/2023 - Greater Manchester Combined Authority

Decision published: 30/05/2023

Effective from: 26/05/2023


1.  That the establishment of a new joint transport committee (the Bee Network Committee) of the GMCA, the Mayor and the ten Greater Manchester constituent councils be approved.


2.  That the appointment of members to the Bee Network Committee, as set out in Appendix 1 be approved, noting the increase in the maximum membership of the committee from 15 to 16 members to improve political balance of the Committee.


3.  That the Terms of Reference of the Bee Network Committee, as set out in Appendix 2, be approved.


4.  That the delegation of functions of the GMCA, as set out in the Terms of Reference to the Bee Network Committee be approved, and that the delegation of Mayoral functions, as set out in the Terms of Reference, attached at Appendix 2, be noted.


5.  That the Rules of Procedure for the Bee Network Committee, as set out in Appendix 3, be approved.


6.  That all the above be recommended to the ten Greater Manchester constituent councils


7.  That thanks be placed on the record to Councillor Eamonn O’Brien for his work on leading the governance review.

26/05/2023 - Appointments to Greater Manchester Bodies ref: 1973    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Greater Manchester Combined Authority

Made at meeting: 26/05/2023 - Greater Manchester Combined Authority

Decision published: 30/05/2023

Effective from: 26/05/2023


1.     That the appointments by Greater Manchester Local Authorities of members and substitute members to the Greater Manchester Combined Authority for 2023/24 be noted as follows:




Substitute Member


Andy Burnham



Nicholas Peel (Lab)

Akhtar Zamen (Lab)


Eamonn O’Brien (Lab)

Lucy Smith (Lab)


Bev Craig (Lab)

Joanna Midgley (Lab)


Arooj Shah (Lab)

Elaine Taylor (Lab)


Neil Emmott (Lab)

Daalat Ali (Lab)


Paul Dennett (Lab)

Tracy Kelly (Lab)


Mark Hunter (Lib Dem)

Mark Roberts (Lib Dem)


Ged Cooney (Lab)

Bill Fairfoull (Lab)


Tom Ross (Lab)

Catherine Hynes (Lab)


David Molyneux (Lab)

Naziar Rahman (Lab)


2.     That it be noted that all substitute members will be invited to attend meetings of the GMCA, to be able to speak but not vote (unless acting in the absence of their member) as provided for in the constitution.


3.     That the appointment of Portfolio Leaders be noted as follows:


GMCA Portfolio Leaders


Paul Dennett

Healthy Lives & Homelessness  

Bev Craig

Economy, Business & Inclusive Growth

David Molyneux

Resources & Investment

Nick Peel

Digital City-Region

Eamonn O’Brien

Technical Education & Skills

Neil Emmott


Arooj Shah

Equalities and Communities

Ged Cooney


Mark Hunter

Children & Young People

Tom Ross

Green City-Region

Andy Burnham, Mayor of Greater Manchester

Policy & Reform and Transport

Kate Green, Deputy Mayor PCC & Fire

Safer and Stronger Communities


4.     That the GMCA Audit Committee for 2023/24 be appointed as follows:






Mary Whitby (Lab)


John Merry (Lab)


Dylan Butt (Con)


Joanne Marshall (Lab)


5.     That the GMCA Resources Committee for 2023/24 be appointed as follows:


Andy Burnham (Lab)

Bev Craig (Lab) (Manchester)

Paul Dennett (Lab) (Salford)

Eamonn O’Brien (Lab) (Bury)

Tom Ross (Lab) (Trafford)

David Molyneux (Lab) (Wigan)

Mark Hunter (Lib Dem) (Stockport)


6.     That the Greater Manchester Waste & Recycling Committee for 2023/24 be appointed as follows:






Richard Silvester (Lab)

David Chadwick (Lab)


Alan Quinn (Lab)


Lee-Ann Igbon (Lab)

Shuakat Ali (Lab)


Josh Charters (Lab)

Pam Byrne (Con)


Peter Rush (Lab)

Susan Emmott (Lab)


David Lancaster (Lab)

Arnold Saunders (Con)


Mark Roberts (Lib Dem)

Dena Ryeness (Lab)


Denise Ward  (Lab)


Stephen Adshead (Lab)




7.     That it be noted that the appointment of the Chair of the GM Waste & Recycling Committee will be made at the GMCA meeting in July 2023, on the recommendation of the GM Waste & Recycling Committee.


8.     That it be agreed that the GMCA Overview & Scrutiny Committee for 2022/23 will continue to operate until the appointment of the Committee for 2023/24 at the GMCA AGM in June 2023.


9.     That the appointments to the Clean Air Charging Authorities Committee for 2023/24 be noted as follows:






Richard Silvester (Lab)

Linda Thomas (Lab)


Alan Quinn (Lab)

Noel Bayley (Lab)


Tracey Rawlins (Lab)

Linda Foley (Lab)


Abdul Jabbar (Lab)

Josh Charters (Lab)


Trisha Ayrton (Lab)

Angela Brown (Lab)


Mike McCusker (Lab)

Jane Hamilton (Lab)


To be advised

To be advised


Denise Ward (Lab)

George Newton (Lab)


Aidan Williams (Lab)

Stephen Adshead (Lab)


Paul Prescott (Lab)

Joanne Marshall (Lab)


10.  That the appointments to the Air Quality Administration Committee for 2023/24 be noted as follows:






Richard Silvester (Lab)

Shafaqat Shaikh


Alan Quinn (Lab)

Noel Bayley (Lab)


Tracey Rawlins (Lab)

Linda Foley (Lab)


Abdul Jabbar (Lab)

Josh Charters (Lab)


Tom Besford (Lab)

Richard Jackson (Lab)


Mike McCusker (Lab)

Jane Hamilton (Lab)


To be advised

To be advised


Denise Ward (Lab)

George Newton (Lab)


Aidan Williams (Lab)

Stephen Adshead (Lab)


Paul Prescott (Lab)

Joanne Marshall (Lab)


11.  That the Portfolio Leader for Clean Air be appointed to the Air Quality Administration Committee.


12.  That the GM Mayor be appointed to the Transport for the North Board and Rail North Committee.


13.  That Eamonn O’Brien (Lab) (Bury) be appointed as the substitute member to the Transport for the North Board and appointed as the substitute member to the Rail North Committee.


14.  That Tom Ross (Lab) (Trafford) be appointed as the member and  Arooj Shah (Lab) (Oldham) be appointed as the substitute member to act as the GMCA’s appointments to the Transport for the North Audit & Governance Committee.


15.  That Eamonn O’Brien (Lab) (Bury) be appointed as the member and Stephen Adshead (Lab) (Trafford) be appointed as the substitute member to act as the GMCA’s appointments to the Transport for the North General Purposes Committee


16.  That Elizabeth Atewologun (Lab) (Rochdale) be appointed as the member and Fianna Hornby (Lab) (Trafford) be appointed as the substitute member to act as the GMCA’s appointments to the Transport for the North Scrutiny Committee.


17.  That the appointments from GM Local Authorities to the Police, Fire and Crime Panel be noted as follows.






Rabiya Jiva (Lab)

Safwaan Patel (Lab)


Richard Gold (Lab)

Ummrana Farooq (Lab)


Luthfur Rahman (Lab)

To be advised


Chris Goodwin (Lab)

Josh Charters (Lab)


Janet Emsley (Lab)

Shaun O’Neill (Lab)


David Lancaster (Lab)

Barbara Bentham (Lab)


Councillor Tom Morrison (Lib Dem)

Frankie Singleton (Lib Dem)


Vimal Choksi (Lab)

Barrie Holland (Lab)


Rose Thompson (Lab)

Simon Thomas (Lab)


Dane Anderton (Lab)

Paula Wakefield



18.  That the appointments from GM Local Authorities to the GM Integrated Care Partnership Board be noted as follows:






Linda Thomas (Lab)

Liam Barnard (Lab)


Tamoor Tariq (Lab)

Eamonn O’Brien (Lab)


Bev Craig (Lab)

Thomas Robinson (Lab)


Barbara Brownridge (Lab)

Marie Bashforth (Lab)


Daalat Ali (Lab)

Shahid Mohammed (Lab)


John Merry (Lab)

To be Advised


To be Advised

To be Advised


Eleanor Willis (Lab)

Laura Boyle (Lab)


Jane Slater (Lab)

Tom Ross (Lab)


Keith Cunliffe (Lab)

David Molyneux (Lab)



19.  That the Mayor of Greater Manchester be appointed to the GM Integrated Care Partnership Board.

26/05/2023 - GMCA Overview & Scrutiny Committee Minutes - 22 March 2023 ref: 1972    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Greater Manchester Combined Authority

Made at meeting: 26/05/2023 - Greater Manchester Combined Authority

Decision published: 30/05/2023

Effective from: 26/05/2023


That the minutes of the meeting of the GMCA Overview and Scrutiny Committee held on 22 March 2023 be noted.

26/05/2023 - GMCA Resources Committee Minutes - 24 March 2023 ref: 1971    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Greater Manchester Combined Authority

Made at meeting: 26/05/2023 - Greater Manchester Combined Authority

Decision published: 30/05/2023

Effective from: 26/05/2023


That the minutes of the meeting of the GM Resources Committee held on 24 March 2023 be agreed as a correct record.

26/05/2023 - Minutes of the GMCA meeting held on 24 March 2023 ref: 1970    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Greater Manchester Combined Authority

Made at meeting: 26/05/2023 - Greater Manchester Combined Authority

Decision published: 30/05/2023

Effective from: 26/05/2023


That the minutes of the GMCA meeting held on 24 March 2023 be agreed as a correct record.


26/05/2023 - Declarations of Interest ref: 1969    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Greater Manchester Combined Authority

Made at meeting: 26/05/2023 - Greater Manchester Combined Authority

Decision published: 30/05/2023

Effective from: 26/05/2023


That Mayor Andy Burnham declared an interest in items 20 and 23 on the agenda.

26/05/2023 - Chairs Announcements and Urgent Business ref: 1968    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Greater Manchester Combined Authority

Made at meeting: 26/05/2023 - Greater Manchester Combined Authority

Decision published: 30/05/2023

Effective from: 26/05/2023


  1. That the GMCA record its thanks and well wishes to outgoing Leaders and GMCA members; Councillor Amanda Chadderton and Martyn Cox.


  1. That Councillor Arooj Shah (Oldham) and Councillor Nicholas Peel (Bolton) be welcomed to their first meeting of the GMCA.


  1. That the GMCA record its congratulations to Stockport MBC following the naming of Stockport as the Greater Manchester Town of Culture 2023.


  1. That the GMCA record its thanks and well wishes to Simon Warburton of Transport for Greater Manchester as he prepares to take on the role of Executive Director of Transport at the West Yorkshire Combined Authority.

26/05/2023 - Apologies ref: 1967    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Greater Manchester Combined Authority

Made at meeting: 26/05/2023 - Greater Manchester Combined Authority

Decision published: 30/05/2023

Effective from: 26/05/2023
