
Use the below search options at the bottom of the page to find information regarding recent decisions that have been taken by the council’s decision making bodies.

Alternatively you can visit the Officer and Mayoral decisions page for information on officer delegated decisions that have been taken by council officers.

Decisions published
Title Date Effective from Call-ins
Apologies ref: 276717/07/202417/07/2024Not for call-in
Contracts Update ref: 278717/07/202417/07/2024Not for call-in
Changes to MRF Recycling Sampling Requirements ref: 278517/07/202417/07/2024Not for call-in
2024-25 Capital Programme and Asset Management Update ref: 278417/07/202417/07/2024Not for call-in
Sustainable Consumption and Production: Avoidable Single-Use Plastics ref: 278317/07/202417/07/2024Not for call-in
GMCA Waste and Resources Budget Outturn 2023/24 ref: 278217/07/202417/07/2024Not for call-in
Waste Strategy and Policy Update ref: 278117/07/202417/07/2024Not for call-in
Communications & Engagement Behavioural Change Plan 2024/25 ref: 278017/07/202417/07/2024Not for call-in
Contracts Update ref: 277917/07/202417/07/2024Not for call-in
Chairs Announcement and Urgent Business ref: 277617/07/202417/07/2024Not for call-in
Declarations of Interest ref: 277717/07/202417/07/2024Not for call-in
Greater Manchester Waste & Recycling Committee Minutes - 13 March 2024 ref: 277817/07/202417/07/2024Not for call-in
Exclusion of the Press and Public ref: 278617/07/202417/07/2024Not for call-in
Appointment of Chair ref: 276817/07/202417/07/2024Not for call-in
Membership of the GM Waste & Recycling Committee 2024/25 ref: 277017/07/202417/07/2024Not for call-in
Appointment to the Green City Region Partnership ref: 277117/07/202417/07/2024Not for call-in
Members Code of Conduct ref: 277217/07/202417/07/2024Not for call-in
Terms of Reference ref: 277317/07/202417/07/2024Not for call-in
Committee Work Programme ref: 277417/07/202417/07/2024Not for call-in
2024/25 Programme of Meetings ref: 277517/07/202417/07/2024Not for call-in
Appointment of Vice Chair ref: 276917/07/202417/07/2024Not for call-in
Ashton Mayoral Development Zone - Business Plan ref: 272312/07/202420/07/2024Call-in expired
Mayoral Development Corporation for Northern Gateway - In Principle Decision ref: 272212/07/202412/07/2024Not for call-in
Stockport Town Centre West Mayoral Development Corporation's Strategic Business Plan ref: 272112/07/202420/07/2024Call-in expired
GM Armed Forces Covenant Roadmap ref: 271912/07/202412/07/2024Not for call-in
Greater Manchester Culture Strategy ref: 271812/07/202412/07/2024Call-in expired
Low Carbon Skills Fund Opportunity ref: 271712/07/202412/07/2024Not for call-in
GMCA Sustainability Strategy: Annual Report ref: 271612/07/202412/07/2024Not for call-in
Cost of Living and Economic Resilience ref: 271512/07/202412/07/2024Not for call-in
Investment Zone Update ref: 272012/07/202412/07/2024Not for call-in
GM Moving MoU Refresh ref: 270912/07/202412/07/2024Not for call-in
GMCA Overview & Scrutiny Task and Finish Review: Affordable Homes ref: 270812/07/202412/07/2024Not for call-in
GMCA Annual Constitution Review ref: 270712/07/202412/07/2024Not for call-in
The GM Good Landlord Charter ref: 271012/07/202420/07/2024Call-in expired
Greater Manchester Appointments ref: 270612/07/202412/07/2024Not for call-in
EXCLUSION OF THE PRESS AND PUBLIC ref: 273012/07/202412/07/2024Not for call-in
Minutes of the GMCA meeting held on 14 June 2024 ref: 270512/07/202412/07/2024Not for call-in
Declarations of Interest ref: 270412/07/202412/07/2024Not for call-in
Chairs Announcements and Urgent Business ref: 270312/07/202412/07/2024Not for call-in
Apologies ref: 270212/07/202412/07/2024Not for call-in
UKSPF Proposal for the Management of Potential Underspend 2024/5 ref: 272412/07/202412/07/2024Not for call-in
Capital Outturn Report - Quarter 4 ref: 272612/07/202420/07/2024Call-in expired
Revenue Outturn Report - Quarter 4 ref: 272512/07/202420/07/2024Call-in expired
Delivering the Bee Network Update ref: 271112/07/202412/07/2024Not for call-in
Draft Rapid Transit Strategy ref: 271212/07/202412/07/2024Not for call-in
Bee Network Fares and Ticketing ref: 271312/07/202420/07/2024Call-in expired
TfGM Executive Board Appointments ref: 271412/07/202412/07/2024Not for call-in
GM Housing Investment Loans Fund and Brownfield Housing Fund ref: 272712/07/202412/07/2024Not for call-in
GM Investment Framework, Conditional Project Approval ref: 272812/07/202420/07/2024Call-in expired
Independent Remuneration Panel Review of GM Mayoral Remuneration ref: 272912/07/202412/07/2024Not for call-in
Stockport Town Centre West Mayoral Development Corporation's - Action Plan ref: 273112/07/202412/07/2024Not for call-in
GM Investment Framework Approvals ref: 273212/07/202412/07/2024Not for call-in