Greater Manchester published it’s
Gender-Based Violence Strategy in September 2021. Within this there
was a commitment to look at the needs of male victims of
Gender-Based Violence. The convening of a GM Male DA working group
is integral to this and will assist with developing the response to
male victims of domestic abuse across Greater Manchester.
ManKind Initiative contributed to the development of the terms of
reference for this working group, a scoping exercise undertaken to
identify what current provision looked like across Greater
Manchester and the Chairing of the first meeting. It was agreed a
£200 one-off payment would be given to ManKind in recognition
of the value of their contribution to getting the working group to
a strong and productive start.
Decision type: Non-key
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Notice of proposed decision first published: 24/11/2022
Decision due: 28 Oct 2022 by Director for Safer and Stronger Communities
Contact: Lisa Lees Email: