A key element of the ongoing programme of
Sexual Violence Harm reduction work, has been establishing best
working practices between CVS support services for sexual violence
and GMP/ GMCA.
There has been an added emphasis and requirement for this work
following Operation Soteria, which was launched as a response to
the government End-to-End Rape Review, and the Home Office pledge
to increase the number of rape cases making it to court. It was
designed to test a series of tools (such as improved approaches for
digital capture) and techniques (such as those associated with
offender management) to engender justice outcomes.
Following Op Soteria in Greater Manchester, a number of
recommendations were produced, which were agreed to be used to
inform partner plans and RASSO strategy going forwards.
An away day for partners was agreed to be the most suitable method
to identify best working practices, recognise issues, challenges,
and action plans.
Due to limited availability of key officers to facilitate on the
day, the 18th May was the only day that would attain the required
attendance. Unfortunately, GMCA, GMP and other partners did not
have availability within internal meeting room space to accommodate
for the required numbers, and a central Manchester located private
venue was required. A number of options were explored and the
Mechanics Institute was deemed to be fit for purpose and offer the
most value.
Decision type: Non-key
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Notice of proposed decision first published: 07/07/2023
Decision due: 8 Jun 2023 by Director for Safer and Stronger Communities
Contact: Lisa Lees Email: lisa.lees@greatermanchester-ca.gov.uk.