Issue details

PCC DN - Venue for GBV Board

To allow the GBV Board to meet in person. The GBV Board meets quarterly to drive and oversee implementation of the city-region’s ten-year GBV Strategy.

The GBV Strategy is vital to delivering on Greater Manchester’s Our People, Our Place commitments to being a place where ‘people are proud to live’, where ‘all children are given the best start in life’, and ‘where all voices are heard’.

The ambition is to challenge the attitudes and social conditions that sustain or excuse GBV and deliver whole system improvements in responses to those affected by it. These will fundamentally change the story of Greater Manchester in terms of what it delivers with regard to safety for women and girls, gender equality, challenging misogyny - the contempt that follows from ingrained sexism - and holding perpetrators of GBV - the majority of whom are men and boys - to account.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 07/07/2023

Decision due: 8 Jun 2023 by Director for Safer and Stronger Communities

Contact: Lisa Lees Email:


Background papers