Issue details

PCC DN - Funding in Support of the Co-ordination of Road Safety Programmes across Greater Manchester.

The Safe Drive Stay Alive (SDSA) programme has been run across Greater Manchester for the last ten years. This is an emotionally engaging performance delivered in collaboration between Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service (GMFRS), Greater Manchester Police (GMP), Northwest Ambulance Service (NWAS), and Salford Royal Foundation Trust (SRFT).

The performance uses case studies of road accidents and collisions told through the experiences of first responders, accompanied by video clips from families who have lost loved ones through road traffic accidents. The performances are very thought provoking and are aimed at educating the young people present of the risks and consequences of driving irresponsibly.

The scheme is currently being independently evaluated to offer critique and advise on the effectiveness of the programme and how it should be run moving forward. This role will design and implement the recommendations of that evaluation due in Spring 2024. In addition, the role will continue to develop an engagement programme utilising the Virtual Reality kit/software acquired by GMFRS in 2023. The VR programme provides a unique opportunity to experience the impact of decisions made whilst driving.

The post will ensure this engagement activity continues whilst the new Vision Zero Strategy and delivery plan is developed and implemented across Greater Manchester, expected in late 2024 – at which point, there will be a greater understanding of the requirements and resources required to drive the work moving forward.

The role will also support consultation in relation to a revised road safety approach to support the 2025-29 Fire Plan and associated Prevention Strategy.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 09/05/2024

Decision due: 13 Mar 2024 by Director for Safer and Stronger Communities

Contact: Lisa Lees Email:


Background papers