Issue details

GMP DN - A1011 Longsight Custody Suite Upgrade

The renovation of the Longsight Police Station custody suite will provide GMP with a modernised facility to enable the appropriate management of detainees, ensuring GMP has capacity to safely manage current and projected future demand. The upgrades to the suite will provide an enhanced working environment for staff, promote detainee wellbeing, and provide an upgraded facility close to an area of high demand and to Manchester and Salford Court facilities- maximising efficiency for Police Officers and staff.

To go to tender:

Police custody suites are complex and highly specialised facilities, with a limited number of construction companies nationwide having relevant experience of delivering similar projects.

Due to the technical requirements and complexity of custody suites, the earlier a construction partner can be appointed and start to develop the scheme alongside the designers, GMP and other stakeholders, the more benefit and value can be added to the project, including de-risking the construction which will minimise the possibility of delay or cost overrun.

The North West Construction Hub (NWCH) Framework offers a fully compliant access route to providers with a proven track record and experience in delivering projects similar to the Longsight Custody Suite renovation.

Therefore the recommended decision is that approval is given to tender and subsequently award the contract for the provision of a specialised construction partner to undertake the Longsight Custody Suite upgrade using The North West Construction Hub (NWCH) Framework.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 09/05/2024

Decision due: 26 Mar 2024 by GM Deputy Mayor, Treasurer GMCA

Contact: Lisa Lees Email:


Background papers