Issue details

Award Report for Greater Manchester Skills Bootcamps Wave 5: Cross Sector

GMCA have run a competitive process in which 8 bids were received in total.

Each bid was sent to a full evaluation panel. Individual evaluations were undertaken on each organisations Financial and Economic Standing, Information Governance and Safeguarding policies and procedures. Each of these was undertaken by a specialist from the relevant GMCA department and conducted in line with the processes published within the procurement documentation.

Bidders were also required to meet minimum requirements for Ofsted or, where no recent Ofsted inspect was available, produce a good internal Self-Assessment Report.

The Mini-Competition comprised of 2 parts, the first being Quality questions which accounted for 85% of the total score. The Quality selection process involved evaluating the bidders’ responses on a number of criteria including:

- Evidence of Need (5%)
- Programme, Content, Design & Delivery (20%)
- Employer Engagement (20%)
- Learner Engagement (15%)
- Track Record (5%)
- Quality & Performance Management (10%)
- Financial Value for Money (10%)

Social Value was weighted as 15% of the overall score (7.5% Qualitative and 7.5% Quantitative) and was evaluated via the Social Value Portal.

Following a rigorous evaluation process, the bidders were ranked based on their total score. Any bidders who failed any of the key due diligence evaluations, as described above, were excluded from the process.

Contracts will be awarded to the bidders listed.

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Expenditure > £500,000;

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 10/05/2024

Decision due: 29 Apr 2024 by Group Finance Officer

Contact: Nicola Ward Email:


Background papers