Issue details

PCC DN - Baird Inquiry - additional funding

The purpose of this independent inquiry is to explore the experience of women and girls who are arrested and taken into police custody, particularly in respect of maximising their rights, their safety and their dignity. It will particularly focus on the appropriate use, or otherwise, of strip searches and intimate searches, removal and replacement of clothing. The inquiry will explore and seek to understand the experiences of three women, whose accounts have recently been featured on national television, and how widespread their experience may be. The inquiry will also examine the fitness of current GMP policy and procedures arising from these accounts.

The funding will enable the inquiry to be undertaken independently and by someone with nationally recognised expertise and experience in this field. This will give the independent inquiry credibility and enable it to be conducted expeditiously.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 08/07/2024

Decision due: 23 May 2024 by Director for Safer and Stronger Communities

Contact: Lisa Lees Email:


Background papers