MATAC is a whole system approach to
intervening with perpetrators of domestic abuse who are classed as
being serial/or high risk, high harm. The objective is for Police
and partners to work together so that risk, harm and
revictimization are reduced.
The key elements of the model are:
• Identification of the most harmful perpetrators
• Assessment of the risk they pose to victims, children, other
family members.
• Referral into regular multi-agency MATAC meeting.
• Implementation of a combination of disruption, enforcement,
challenge and behaviour change provision.
• Frequent review of risk to victim and provision of
integrated victim support offer.
• Continued review of risk and harm posed by perpetrator as
interventions take place.
The MATAC model has been successfully in place across the
Northumbria force area since 2015 and embraces all the Local
Authorities that fall within that area.
Locally, the MATAC model was developed in each LA during the last
financial year and has shown solid signs of progress and
Decision type: Non-key
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Notice of proposed decision first published: 19/09/2024
Decision due: 17 Sep 2024 by Director for Safer and Stronger Communities, GM Deputy Mayor, Group Finance Officer
Contact: Ashleigh Kent-Stallwood Email: