Improved, meaningful and consistent engagement
between children and young people and the police is one of the key
outcomes of the GMP Child Centred Policing strategy and the GM
Youth Justice Transformation Delivery Board. To help achieve this,
we recently held a workshop event in Oldham, involving youth
service representatives and GMP colleagues from across GM on June
14th, 2024.
We set up this workshop with the aim of bringing together GM
partners from youth service agencies and each GMP district to share
best practice in developing truly child centred police scrutiny
panels across each of the ten GM areas.
The four key principles of the Young Person Scrutiny Panel
1. Young person led
2. Facilitated by youth service agencies.
3. GMP involvement and investment.
4. Follows the Lundy Model of Participation.
Following the event, we have now provided an exemplar Terms of
Reference; guiding scope and principles, and general FAQ, to assist
youth sector partners in establishing their own forums. There will
be a follow up workshop event, to be held in November to
“check in” and discuss progress/challenges etc and to
continue to provide support.
Providing each GM area with £1000 will help go towards the
maintenance costs of each forum: transport, refreshments, resources
etc. To ensure that the children and young people are never out of
pocket for attending and are provided with appropriate
A key aim of the panels, as well as to help improve the
relationships and understanding between CYP and the police, is to
gather CYP’s views about certain issues and common themes
around policing and community safety.
This feedback will be collected and collated by the youth sector
partners and shared with colleagues from GMCA/VRU/GMP and GM
partners. The hope is that this will help inform policy, practice
and the forums can be used as a vehicle for children and young
people’s voices, that will be captured in an ongoing
The ten heads of GM youth services have been sent emails outlining
the expectations around this additional funding and a further
communication will go out prior to the follow up workshop event in
November 24, outlining the following;
Confirming that a CCP Youth Voice forum is established in the
specific GM local authori9ty area.
That the funding is used to facilitated and maintain the
The timescale for setting up is by March 2025
That feedback and data is collected and collated to inform local
CCP practice and to support potential further funding opportunities
(YEF, etc)
Decision type: Non-key
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Notice of proposed decision first published: 03/10/2024
Decision due: 31 Jul 2024 by Director for Safer and Stronger Communities
Contact: Lisa Lees Email: