Hate crime has been identified as a
significant issue which requires a coordinated partnership
response. It is proposed that the following be supported:
That up to £50,000 be provided in support of a central
awareness campaign, including a focus to promote Greater
Manchester’s Hate Crime Awareness Week in February 2025.
Building on the partnership approach taken to the campaign in 2024
work will continue with GMP, Local Authorities, TfGM, CPS, GMFRS,
NHS and other partners to access their advertising assets and
maximise the effectiveness of the campaign.
A number of media channels will be considered in support of the
campaign including advertisement on public transport, radio and
paid advertisement on social media.
The funding will also allow for the provision of branded
promotional materials, that will be disseminated to each local
authority area. The materials will feature dedicated partnership
branding to be used in future campaigns.
The funding will also enable the continued provision of the
www.letsendhate crime.com website, which is a partnership landing
page to easily direct the public to report hate crime, receive
support or seek general advice. Funding will ensure the content
remains up to date and relevant.
A task group has been formed bringing together communications and
community safety staff from partner organisations to plan and
manage the campaign. Work will be undertaken to ensure the campaign
reflects the concerns raised to the partnership by
Details of previous communications campaigns have been shared with
members of the Greater Manchester Equality Panels and comments will
be built into the next campaign along with feedback from the
refreshed Hate Crime Plan survey responses from March 2024
Decision type: Non-key
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Notice of proposed decision first published: 03/10/2024
Decision due: 15 Aug 2024 by Director for Safer and Stronger Communities
Contact: Lisa Lees Email: lisa.lees@greatermanchester-ca.gov.uk.