Issue details

PCC DN - GMVRU Funding to Broomwood Primary School for VRU Literacy Project

The VRU’s Education Lead has proposed the literacy project for a number of reasons. Data from the #BeeWell survey shows that too few young people read for pleasure. We are aware from DfE and Ofsted reports that too many youngsters are struggling readers whose reading skills are at an early stage. Not enough young people have the opportunity to borrow books to read at home with a parent or carer. We know that the quality of young people’s writing and their quality of life improves when they read more and read often. [We saw in 2022 and 2023, the positive and welcome effect of providing youngsters with readers that talked to the Equalities agenda]. The more pupils are widely read, the better their outcomes socially and well-being wise, as well as academically.

Therefore, the VRU’s Education Lead is interested in providing young people in primary schools with readers (fiction and non-fiction) that would help them talk about and reflect upon those values which align with GM and the GM VRU, for instance, making choices, decision making, taking responsibility, community and teamwork and treating others as they would wish to be treated.

GMVRU has identified three GM primary schools that have expressed a firm interest in choosing a selection of fiction and non-fiction books that pupils could read, borrow and take home, and read with an older family member, that had titles and content linked to choices, responsibility, consequences etc.

KPI’s of this funding (to be written into the grant agreement) will include:

1. Increase in Reading for Pleasure: At least 90% of targeted disadvantaged pupils report an increase in reading for pleasure, measured through surveys or reading records.
2. Family Reading Engagement: At least 90% of targeted pupils regularly read at home with a family member.
3. Character Immersion: All targeted pupils participate in a ‘Day in the Life’ experience, where they role-play as a book character, demonstrating awareness of responsibility and consequences. Feedback on engagement and learning outcomes gathered from pupils, parents and teachers.
4. Reading Age Improvement: At least 95% of targeted pupils improve their reading age by a minimum of 6 months within the programme’s duration, measured through standardized reading checks and engagement in literacy in their school’s personal development curriculum.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 29/10/2024

Decision due: 10 Oct 2024 by Director for Safer and Stronger Communities

Contact: Lisa Lees Email:


Background papers