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AGMA Election Managers
AGMA Executive Board
AGMA Statutory Functions Committee
Bee Network Committee
Bus Reform Documents
Gender Based Violence Board
GM Health & Care Joint Planning & Delivery Committee
GMCA - Standards Committee
GMCA - AGMA Audit Committee
GMCA - AGMA Executive Board
GMCA - AGMA Scrutiny Pool
GMCA - Bus Network and Transport for Greater Manchester Services Sub-Committee
GMCA - Capital Projects and Policy Sub-Committee
GMCA - Corporate Issues and Reform Overview and Scrutiny Committee
GMCA - Economy Business Growth and Skills Overview and Scrutiny
GMCA - GM Culture and Social Impact Fund Committee
GMCA - GM Health and Social Care Strategic Partnership Board
GMCA - GM Joint Commissioning Board
GMCA - GM Joint Health Scrutiny Committee
GMCA - GM Waste and Recycling Committee
GMCA - Greater Manchester Combined Authority
GMCA - Greater Manchester Local Enterprise Partnership
GMCA - Housing Planning and Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee
GMCA - Independent Ethics Committee
GMCA - Joint GMCA AGMA Executive Board
GMCA - Low Carbon Hub
GMCA - Metrolink and Rail Networks Sub-Committee
GMCA - Planning and Housing Commission
GMCA - Police and Crime Joint Audit Panel
GMCA - Police and Crime Panel
GMCA - Resources Committee
GMCA - Skills and Employment Partnership
GMCA - Statutory Functions Committee
GMCA - Transport for Greater Manchester Committee
GMCA Overview & Scrutiny Committee
GMFRS - Appeals Sub-Committee
GMFRS - Appointments Sub-Committee
GMFRS - Audit and Scrutiny Committee
GMFRS - Audit Committee
GMFRS - Audit, Scrutiny and Standards Committee
GMFRS - Authority
GMFRS - Emergency Response Committee
GMFRS - Finance and General Purposes Committee
GMFRS - Fire Committee
GMFRS - Human Resources Committee
GMFRS - Inclusivity Scrutiny Group
GMFRS - Joint Audit, Scrutiny and Standards and Policy, Resources and Performance Committee
GMFRS - Joint Policy and Finance and General Purposes Committee
GMFRS - Local Pensions Board - Firefighters Pension Scheme
GMFRS - Member Development Steering Group
GMFRS - Personnel Committee
GMFRS - Policy Committee
GMFRS - Policy Standing Sub-Committee
GMFRS - Policy, Resources and Performance Committee
GMFRS - Prevention and Protection Committee
GMFRS - Service Delivery Committee
GMFRS - Standards Committee
GMWDA - Asset Management Steering Group
GMWDA - Audit & Standards Committee
GMWDA - Audit Committee
GMWDA - Constitution
GMWDA - Decisions taken by Committees
GMWDA - Decisions taken by the Authority
GMWDA - Delegated Decisions taken by Officers
GMWDA - General Information Domain
GMWDA - General Information Domain - Audit & Standards Committee Information
GMWDA - General Information Domain - Resources Committee Information
GMWDA - Performance, Policy and Resources Committee
GMWDA - Policy & Procurement Committee
GMWDA - Recycling, Waste Management and Operations Committee
GMWDA - Special Purposes Committee
GMWDA - Special Purposes Committee 201213
GMWDA - Standards Committee
GMWDA - Strategy and Behavioural Change Committee
GMWDA - Waste Management Committee
Greater Manchester Air Quality Administration Committee
Greater Manchester Business Board
Greater Manchester Clean Air Charging Authorities Committee
Greater Manchester Combined Authority
Greater Manchester Combined Authority Audit Committee
Greater Manchester Combined Authority Resources Committee
Greater Manchester Combined Authority Standards Committee
Greater Manchester Corporate Issues & Reform Overview and Scrutiny Committee 2021/22
Greater Manchester Culture and Social Impact Fund Committee
Greater Manchester Economy, Business Growth and Skills Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Greater Manchester Green City Region Partnership
Greater Manchester Health and Care Joint Commissioning Board
Greater Manchester Housing Planning and Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Greater Manchester Integrated Care Partnership Board
Greater Manchester Joint Clean Air Scrutiny Committee
Greater Manchester Joint Health Scrutiny Committee
Greater Manchester Planning & Housing Commission
Greater Manchester Police, Fire and Crime Panel
Greater Manchester Transport Committee
Greater Manchester Transport Committee - Active Travel Sub-Committee
Greater Manchester Transport Committee - Bus Services Sub-Committee
Greater Manchester Transport Committee- Metrolink & Rail Sub-Committee
Greater Manchester Waste & Recycling Committee
Independent Police Ethics Committee
Legal & Gov Issues
Low Carbon Hub Board (to 29 July 2019)
Low Carbon Programmes Group
Pension Board - Firefighters Pension Scheme
Places for Everyone Joint Committee
Transport for Greater Manchester Committee Bus Networks and TFGM Services Sub Committee
Transport for Greater Manchester Committee Capital Projects and Policy Sub Committee
Transport for Greater Manchester Committee Metrolink and Rail Networks Sub-Committee
Non Pecuniary
Personal and Prejudicial
Adshead, Councillor Stephen Adshead
Alam, Councillor Shibley Alam
Alexander, Councillor Shan Alexander
Ali, Councillor Daalat Ali
Ali, Councillor Shaukat Ali
Anderton, Councillor Dane Anderton
Arnott, Councillor Dave Arnott
Arshad, Councillor Mohammed Arshad
Austin, Councillor Jake Austin
Axford, Councillor Jill Axford
Ayrton, Councillor Tricia Ayrton
Ayub, Councillor Nadeem Ayub
Barnard, Councillor Liam Barnard
Barratt, Councillor Rosemary Barratt
Bashforth, Councillor Marie Bashforth
Bayley, Councillor Noel Bayley
Baynham, Councillor Grace Baynham
Bell, Councillor Leslie Bell
Bellamy, Councillor Samantha Bellamy
Bentham, Councillor Barbara Bentham
Bernstein, Councillor Russell Bernstein
Besford, Councillor Tom Besford
Billington, Councillor Liam Billington
Birch, Councillor Ros Birch
Blaise-Gallagher, Councillor Aisling Blaise-Gallagher
Boroda, Councillor Nathan Boroda
Boyle, Councillor Laura Boyle
Brabiner, Councillor Maria Brabiner
Bray, Councillor Warren Bray
Bridges, Councillor Garry Bridges
Bromfield, Councillor Kathryn Mary Bromfield
Brooks, Councillor Joshua Brooks
Brotherton, Councillor Barry Brotherton
Brown, Councillor Angela Brown
Brown, Councillor Samantha Brown
Brownridge, Councillor Barbara Brownridge
Burke, Councillor Phil Burke
Burnham, GM Mayor Andy Burnham
Butt, Councillor Dylan Butt
Butt, Councillor Shazia Butt
Byrne, Councillor Pam Byrne
Callaghan, Councillor Mary Callaghan
Carrigan, Councillor Christine Carrigan
Carter, Councillor Ged Carter
Chadwick, Councillor David Chadwick
Chambers, Councillor Becky Chambers
Charters, Councillor Josh Charters
Choksi, Councillor Vimal Choksi
Collins, Councillor Sandra Collins
Conway, Councillor Ron Conway
Cooney, Councillor Gerald Cooney
Cordingley, Councillor Mike Cordingley
Costello, Councillor Dan Costello
Cowen, Councillor Amy Cowen
Craig, Councillor Bev Craig
Cummins, Councillor Clare Cummins
Cunliffe, Councillor Keith Cunliffe
Curley, Councillor Basil Curley
Cusack, Councillor Phillip Cusack
Dale, Councillor Patricia Dale
Davies, Councillor Tony Davies
Davis, Councillor Peter Davis
Dean, Councillor Liam James Dean
Dean, Councillor Peter Dean
Dearnley, Councillor Ashley Dearnley
Dennett, City Mayor Paul Dennett
Devlin, Councillor George Devlin
Dickman, Councillor Stuart Dickman
Donaghy, Councillor Martin Donaghy
Emmott, Councillor Neil Emmott
Emmott, Councillor Susan Emmott
Emsley, Councillor Janet Emsley
Ennis, Councillor Shaun Ennis
Evans, Councillor Nathan Evans
Fairclough, Councillor Hilary Fairclough
FairFoull, Councillor Bill FairFoull
Farooq, Councillor Ummrana Farooq
Feeley, Councillor Leanne Feeley
Fielding, Councillor Sean Fielding
Fitzgerald, Councillor Elizabeth FitzGerald
Flanagan, Councillor John Flanagan
Foley, Councillor Linda Foley
Foster-Grime, Councillor Helen Foster-Grime
Gambles, Councillor Susan Gambles
Garrido, Councillor Robin Garrido
Gartside, Councillor James Gartside
Glenton, Councillor Keleigh Glenton
Gold, Councillor Richard Gold
Goodwin, Councillor Chris Goodwin
Green, GM Deputy Mayor Kate Green
Gribbon, Councillor Steve Gribbon
Grimshaw, Councillor Joan Grimshaw
Hamblett, Councillor Louie Hamblett
Hamilton, Councillor Jane Hamilton
Harrison, Councillor Holly Harrison
Harrison, Councillor Jenny Harrison
Haworth, Councillor Susan Haworth
Heilbron, Councillor Paul Heilbron
Hewitt, Councillor Toby Hewitt
Hibbert, Councillor Helen Hibbert
Holloway, Councillor Keith Holloway
Homer, Councillor Stephen Homer
Hon, Councillor Karen Hon
Hughes, Councillor John Hughes
Hunter, Councillor Mark Hunter
Hussain, Councillor Aftab Hussain
Hussain, Councillor Junaid Hussain
Hussain, Councillor Sajed Hussain
Hussain, Councillor Zahid Hussain
Hynes, Councillor Catherine Hynes
Igbon, Councillor Lee-Ann Igbon
Iqbal, Councillor Mohammed Iqbal
Jabbar, Councillor Abdul Jabbar
Jackson, Councillor Jan Jackson
Jackson, Councillor Richard Jackson
Jiva, Councillor Rabiya Jiva
Joinson, Councillor Peter Joinson
Judge, Councillor Tommy Judge
Julian, Councillor Jilly Julian
Kelly, Councillor Tracy Kelly
Kenny, Councillor Paul Kenny
Khurram, Councillor Hamid Khurram
Lancaster, Councillor David Lancaster
Lane, Councillor Jackie Lane
Leech, Councillor John Leech
Macalister, Councillor Colin Macalister
Marshall, Councillor Joanne Marshall
Martin, Councillor Charlotte Martin
Mashiter, Councillor Ray Mashiter
McBriar, Councillor Luis McBriar
McCaul, Councillor Anthony McCaul
McCusker, Councillor Mike McCusker
McGill, Councillor Gavin McGill
McLaren, Cllr Andrew McLaren
McLaren, Councillor Colin McLaren
Meal, Councillor Jeremy Meal
Meikle, Councillor Wendy Meikle
Meller, Councillor David Meller
Meredith, Councillor Daniel Meredith
Merry, Councillor John Merry
Midgley, Councillor Joanna Midgley
Mistry, Councillor Champak Mistry
Mohammed, Councillor Shahid Mohammed
Molyneux, Councillor David Molyneux
Molyneux, Councillor Paul Molyneux
Moore, Councillor Jonathan Moore
Moores, Councillor Eddie Moores
Morgan, Councillor Andrew Morgan
Morgan, Councillor Dave Morgan
Morris, Councillor Charlotte Morris
Morrisey, Councillor Robert Morrisey
Morrison, Councillor Tom Morrison
Mort, Councillor Emily Mort
Moss, Councillor Elliot Moss
Mullen, Councillor John Mullen
Mushtaq, Councillor Shaid Mushtaq
Muslim, Councillor Nadim Muslim
Nelson, Councillor Lewis Nelson
Newall, Councillor Debbie Newall
Newgrosh, Councillor Julian Newgrosh
Newton, Councillor George Newton
Nkurunziza, Councillor Wilson Nkurunziza
North, Councillor Jacqueline North
O'Brien, Councillor Eamonn O'Brien
O'Brien, Councillor John O'Brien
O'Neill, Councillor Sean O'Neill
Owen, Councillor Jacqueline Owen
Parkinson, Councillor Diane Parkinson
Patel, Councillor Elizabeth Patel
Patel, Councillor Sangita Patel
Peel, Councillor Nicholas Peel
Prescott, Councillor Paul Prescott
Procter, Councillor Kevin Procter
Quinn, Councillor Alan Quinn
Radcliffe, Councillor Jacqueline Radcliffe
Rahman, Councillor Luthfur Rahman
Rana, Councillor Faisal Rana
Rashid, Councillor Aasim Rashid
Rawlins, Councillor Tracey Rawlins
Ready, Councillor Christopher Ready
Rehman, Councillor Nazia Rehman
Reid, Councillor Claire Reid
Reynolds, Councillor Neil Reynolds
Rizvi, Councillor Imran Rizvi
Roberts, Councillor Christine Roberts
Roberts, Councillor Mark Roberts
Robinson, Councillor Thomas Robinson
Robinson-Smith, Councillor Hannah Robinson-Smith
Roderick, Councillor Hugh Roderick
Ross, Councillor Tom Ross
Rush, Councillor Peter Rush
Rustidge, Councillor Ken Rustidge
Ryness, Councillor Dena Ryness
Sadler, Councillor Paula Sadler
Saeed, Councillor Mishal Saeed
Saunders, Councillor Arnold Saunders
Schofield, Councillor Jackie Schofield
Sedgwick, Councillor David Sedgwick
Shah, Councillor Arooj Shah
Shaikh, Councillor Shafaqat Shaikh
Sharif, Councillor Naila Sharif
Sharif, Councillor Tafheen Sharif
Sheikh, Councillor Basat Sheikh
Shilton Godwin, Councillor Mandie Shilton Godwin
Shuttleworth, Councillor Graham Shuttleworth
Silvester, Councillor Richard Silvester
Simcock, Councillor Andrew Simcock
Singleton, Councillor Frankie Singleton
Slater, Councillor Jane Slater
Smart, Councillor Lisa Smart
Smith, Councillor Angela Smith
Smith, Councillor Lucy Smith
Smith, Councillor Teresa Smith
Smith, Councillor Terrance Smith
Staples-Jones, Councillor Gareth Staples-Jones
Sullivan, Councillor Patricia Sullivan
Sweeton, Councillor David Sweeton
Syed, Councillor Irfan Syed
Sykes, Councillor Howard Sykes
Tariq, Councillor Tamoor Tariq
Taylor, Councillor Elaine Taylor
Taylor, Councillor John Taylor
Taylor, Councillor Kate Taylor
Taylor, Councillor Sophie Taylor
Thomas, Councillor Linda Thomas
Thomas, Councillor Simon Thomas
Thompson, Councillor Rose Thompson
Thorpe, Councillor Sean Thorpe
Tilbrook, Councillor David Tilbrook
Veevers, Councillor Garry Veevers
Vickers, Councillor John Vickers
Wailes, Councillor Debra Wailes
Wakefield, Councillor Paula Wakefield
Walker, Councillor Fred Walker
Walmsley, Councillor Sandra Walmsley
Walsh, Councillor John Walsh
Ward, Councillor Denise Ward
Warrington, Councillor Brenda Warrington
Whiston, Councillor Tim Whiston
Whitby, Councillor Mary Whitby
White, Councillor Gavin White
Wild, Councillor Wendy Wild
Wilkinson, Councillor David Wilkinson
Williams, Councillor Aidan Williams
Williams, Councillor Dylan Williams
Williams, Councillor Peter Williams
Williamson, Councillor Diane Williamson
Wills, Councillor Chris Wills
Wills, Councillor Eleanor Wills
Wise, Councillor Rachel Wise
Wright, Councillor James Wright
Wright, Councillor Peter Wright
Zaheer, Councillor Sameena Zaheer
Zaman, Councillor Akhtar Zaman
There are no declarations of interest on this record for the period