Officer and Mayoral decisions

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Officer decisions
Title Date
GM Clean Air Plan Evidence Submission – October 2024 08/10/2024
Award Report for GMCA 930 Employer Engagement and Essential Work Skills for Employed GM Residents (Test and Learn) 04/10/2024
PCC DN -Provision of Complex Safeguarding Trusted Relationships Psychologists by Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust 16/09/2024
PCC DN - Event Ticket for VRU Programme Principal YouthBank International 11/09/2024
PCC DN - Funding of Memorial Items (Wreaths, Banners and other items) 11/09/2024
PCC DN - Bristol University Press - Provision of x9 Access Logins plus x1 Quarterly Physical Copy of Journal of Gender Based Violence 11/09/2024
PCC DN - Input from St Giles at the Complex Safeguarding Child Exploitation Conference for the Wider Workforce 11/09/2024
PCC DN - Input from SWGfL Online Safety at the Complex Safeguarding Child Exploitation Conference for the Wider Workforce 11/09/2024
PCC DN - Neurodiversity & Exploitation – Input from Keyring at the Complex Safeguarding Child Exploitation Conference for the Wider Workforce 11/09/2024
PCC DN - Domestic Abuse Perpetrator Interventions 30/09/2024
PCC DN - Good Night Out Guide – 2024 run 11/09/2024
PCC DN - Printing for Victims of Crime Survey Promotional Material 11/09/2024
PCC DN - National Drug Strategy GM Plan Development 19/09/2024
PCC DN - Research in Practice to support the GM Complex Safeguarding Hub with implementing the Tacking Child Exploitation Partnership Self-Assessment Tool 22/08/2024
PCC DN - Catering Expenses for the Complex Safeguarding Child Exploitation Conference for the Wider Workforce 22/08/2024
PCC DN - I am Greater Campaign - Mural in Wigan by Oskar With a K 22/08/2024
PCC DN - Digital Victims of Crime Gateway Project: User and Account Pages licence packs 22/08/2024
PCC DN - Delivery of Look Again Training to GMFRS to Support the Cultural Change programme within GMFRS 28/08/2024
PCC DN - Support for the Tech safe Initiative being delivered by GMP to support the most vulnerable victims of Domestic Abuse 22/08/2024
PCC DN - Extension of final milestone of Victims Gateway Project & Managed Service of Victims Gateway 03/09/2024
PCC DN - Hitch - I Am Greater Website Hosting and Domain costs 2024/25 15/08/2024
PCC DN - Hate Crime Investment to Raise Awareness 15/08/2024
PCC DN - Venue Booking and Catering –VRU Primary School Summit (Amendment) 19/08/2024
PCC DN - NGO Forum Venue Hire 15/08/2024
PCC DN - VRU Contribution to Complex Safeguarding Child Exploitation Conference for the Wider Workforce 08/08/2024
PCC DN - VRU Content Creation Contract Award 06/08/2024
PCC DN - Additional Copywriting of web content for GM Victims Service website 31/07/2024
PCC DN - Catering by Partyline for Home Office visit to GM VRU 31/07/2024
PCC DN - Embedding Youth Voice into Child Centred Policing 31/07/2024
PCC DN - Funding contribution in support of Operation Solihull (Jaguar Land Rover) 06/08/2024
PCC DN - Extension to Greater Manchester Emerging Drug Trends and Drug Testing (GM TRENDS) 01/10/2024