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Councillor Bev Craig
Other councillors representing this District:
Councillor Shaukat Ali
Councillor Leslie Bell
Councillor Garry Bridges
Councillor Shazia Butt
Councillor Becky Chambers
Councillor Sandra Collins
Councillor Basil Curley
Councillor John Flanagan
Councillor Linda Foley
Councillor John Hughes
Councillor Zahid Hussain
Councillor Lee-Ann Igbon
Councillor Tommy Judge
Councillor John Leech
Councillor Anthony McCaul
Councillor Joanna Midgley
Councillor Tracey Rawlins
Councillor Thomas Robinson
Councillor Paula Sadler
Councillor Basat Sheikh
Councillor Mandie Shilton Godwin
Councillor Andrew Simcock
Councillor Tim Whiston
Councillor Gavin White
Councillor Chris Wills
More information about this councillor
Declarations at meetings
Register of interests
PDF 221 KB
Gifts and hospitalities
Committee appointments
AGMA Executive Board
(Committee Member)Manchester CC
Greater Manchester Combined Authority
(Committee Member)Manchester CC
Greater Manchester Combined Authority Resources Committee
(Committee Member)Manchester CC
Greater Manchester Combined Authority Standards Committee
(Committee Member)Manchester CC
Greater Manchester Economy, Business Growth and Skills Overview and Scrutiny Committee
(Officer (Full Permission))Manchester CC
Greater Manchester Integrated Care Partnership Board
(Committee Member)Manchester City Council
Term of Office
In office until 01/05/2020