Agenda and decisions

Greater Manchester Combined Authority - Friday, 29th July, 2022 10.30 am

Venue: Hopwood Hall Middleton Campus, Rochdale Road, Middleton, Manchester, M24 6XH

Contact: Governance and Scrutiny  Tel: 0161 778 7009


No. Item



Additional documents:



Chairs Announcements and Urgent Business

Additional documents:



1.            That the update on bus franchising follow the ruling of the court of appeal favouring GMCA be noted.


2.            That thanks be expressed to GMCA Monitoring Officer Liz Treacy for her work navigating the legal risks inherent in such a trailblazing process.


3.            That Mayor Paul Dennett be requested to keep the GMCA updated on any developments around the spread of Monkeypox in Greater Manchester.


4.            That Mayor Paul Dennett make representation to the Secretary of State for Health to ensure that the North West receives its fair share of vaccination supply for Monkeypox.


Declarations of Interest pdf icon PDF 203 KB

To receive declarations of interest in any item for discussion at the meeting. A blank form for declaring interests has been circulated with the agenda; please ensure that this is returned to the Governance & Scrutiny Officer 48 hours in advance of the meeting.


Additional documents:


That Councillor Andrew Western by virtue of sitting on two joint venture boards linked to awards that were proposed to be made in relation to item 25 on the agenda. This was considered a prejudicial internet and Councillor Western left the room during the debate and approval of item 25 accordingly.



GMCA - Minutes of the meeting held on 24 June 2022 pdf icon PDF 588 KB

To consider the approval of the minutes of the meeting held on 24 June 2022.


Additional documents:


That the minutes of the GMCA meeting held on 24 June 2022 be agreed as a true and correct record.



Greater Manchester Transport Committee - Minutes of the meeting held on 17 June 2022 pdf icon PDF 281 KB

To note the minutes of the meeting of the Greater Manchester Transport Committee held 17 June 2022.

Additional documents:


That the minutes of the meeting of the Greater Manchester Transport Committee held on 17 June 2022 be noted.


GMCA Waste & Recycling Committee - Minutes of the meeting held on 13 July 2022 pdf icon PDF 592 KB

·       To note the minutes of the meeting of the GMCA Waste & Recycling Committee held on 13 July 2022.


·       To agree the appointment of Councillor Alan Quinn as the Chair of the Waste & Recycling Committee for this municipal year.


Additional documents:


1.          That the minutes of the meeting of the GMCA Waste & Recycling Committee held on 12 July 2022 be noted.


2.          That the appointment of Councillor Alan Quinn as the Chair of the Waste & Recycling Committee for the current municipal year be approved.


Revisions to the GMCA Constitution pdf icon PDF 127 KB

Report of Liz Treacy, GMCA Monitoring Officer.

Additional documents:


1.            That the revised constitution accompanying the report be adopted as the Constitution of the GMCA.


2.            That the GMCA Monitoring Officer be authorised to make any changes of a typographical nature to the Constitution.


Greater Manchester Combined Authority Appointments and Nominations 2022/23 pdf icon PDF 268 KB

Report of Liz Treacy, GMCA Monitoring Officer.

Additional documents:


1.    That the appointment of Councillor Tracy Kelly, by Salford City Council, as the substitute representative to the Greater Manchester Combined Authority for 2022/23 be noted.


2.    That the appointment of a substitute member, from the pool of nominations received to the GMCA Audit Committee be deferred to the next meeting of the GMCA.


3.    That the appointment of Councillor Mike Hurleston (Conservative) (Stockport) to the GMCA Scrutiny Committee and Councillor Ashley Dearnley (Conservative) (Rochdale) to the GMCA Scrutiny Committee Substitute Pool be approved.


4.    That the extension of the terms of office for Nicole Jackson (Independent Person) and Geoff Linnell (Independent Member) on the Standards Committee until November 2026 be approved.


5.    That the appointment of Councillor Wendy Meikle and Councillor Malcolm Allen (Substitute Member) by Stockport Council, to the GM Culture and Social Impact Fund Committee for 2022/23 be approved.


6.    That the appointment of Councillor Colin MacAlister, by Stockport Council, to the Skills and Employment Executive be approved.


7.    That the appointment of Councillor Mark Hunter and Councillor Keith Holloway (substitute member) by Stockport Council, to the GM Integrated Care Partnership for 2022/23 be noted.


8.    That the appointment of Councillor Mark Roberts and Councillor Malcolm Allan (substitute member) by Stockport Council and Councillor Laura Boyle (substitute member) by Tameside Council to the Clean Air Charging Authorities Committee for 2022/23 be noted.


9.    That the appointment of Councillor Mark Roberts and Councillor Malcolm Allan (substitute member) by Stockport Council and Councillor Laura Boyle (substitute member) by Tameside Council to the Clean Quality Administration Committee for 2022/23 be noted.


10.That subject to any further changes the GMCA may wish to make, all appointments to be made up to the GMCA Annual Meeting in June 2023.


Greater Manchester Equality Panels pdf icon PDF 634 KB

Report of Councillor Amanda Chadderton, Portfolio Lead for Equalities, Inclusion & Cohesion.

Additional documents:


1.    That the Annual Reports provided by the Disabled People’s Panel, Youth Combined Authority, Women and Girls Equality Panel, Race Equality Panel, Faith and Belief Advisory Panel, Older People’s Equality Panel and LGBTQ+ Equality Panel be noted.


2.    That the Equality Panels (individually or collectively) be engaged with on key issues within their Portfolio that will impact communities-of-identity.


3.    That thanks be expressed to the outgoing LGBTQ+ Advisor Carl Austin-Behan for all of the work he had undertaken within the role.



Overview of Greater Manchester Independent Inequalities Commission: One Year on Review pdf icon PDF 1 MB

Report of Councillor Amanda Chadderton, Portfolio Lead for Equalities, Inclusion & Cohesion.

Additional documents:


1.    That the activities described in the report which are now taking place, and the comprehensive and integrated approach Greater Manchester has adopted to tackling inequality centred around the refreshed Greater Manchester Strategy and monitoring through the 6 monthly GMS Performance Process be noted.


2.    That the Commissioners’ reflections in respect of the ‘good work’ and ‘some progress on process’ being made and the need for Greater Manchester to go further and faster, deeper and wider in tackling inequalities be noted.


3.    That approval be given to the proposal that going forward:


  • The GMS and GMS progress reporting will be the vehicles to steer a systemwide approach to addressing inequalities
  • The Tackling Inequalities Board will provide the necessary leadership and governance to continue to hold the system to account on our equalities commitments
  • The ongoing coordination work between existing governance boards around this agenda will further enable the embedding of responding to the inequalities into ‘everybody’s business’ and will ensure that the right system ownership and leadership is in place to drive actions in response to the issues presented



Greater Manchester Strategy Progress Report pdf icon PDF 2 MB

Report of GM Mayor, Andy Burnham.

Additional documents:


1.    That the progress report, the systemic issues identified and possible GM responses and further dialogue with Government in support of the attainment of the Greater Manchester Strategy shared outcomes and commitments be received.


2.    That all recipients of the progress report, stakeholder groups, partnerships and agencies, have given due consideration and reflection to the issues identified in the report, that will drive the change and actions required in all parts of the system if the GMS is to be delivered.


3.    That it be noted that a review of the progress reporting process will be undertaken to refine and develop for future iterations.


4.    That the GMCA welcomes the clarity provided by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee that it will use the Greater Manchester Strategy as a guide for its work holding the Authority to account going forward.


5.    That a report be submitted to the September 2022 meeting of the GMCA providing an update on Trailblazer negotiations.


6.    That a report on the Integrated Care System aligning priorities, and related opportunities be submitted to a future meeting of the GMCA.


7.    That the Greater Manchester Strategy be reviewed to ensure it sufficiently captures the cost-of-living issues within the ‘here and now’ and that the dashboard being designed to analyse key indicators and measures be used to inform this.



Retained Business Rates Update pdf icon PDF 743 KB

Report of Councillor David Molyneux, Portfolio Lead for Resources & Investment.


Additional documents:


1.    That a planning assumption for 25% of the 2021/22 retained business rates income to be invested in GM wide initiatives be noted.


2.    That the proposed schemes set out in the table at paragraph 5.5 totalling £17.4m be approved.


3.    It be noted that this was funded in full from a 25% share of the confirmed 2021/22 income of £16.3m and £1.1m of slippage against previously agreed schemes.


4.    That the issues concerning the potential future of the scheme and the potential further Greater Manchester wide commitments be noted.


5.    That urgent clarity on the future of the 100% business rate retention pilot be sought from Government to allow authorities to undertake accurate financial planning.



GMCA Revenue Update Quarter 1 - 2022/23 pdf icon PDF 719 KB

Report of Councillor David Molyneux, Portfolio Lead for Resources & Investment.


Additional documents:


1.    That the 2022/23 forecast outturn position for the GMCA budgets at the end of June 2022 (quarter 1) be noted.


2.    That the changes to the GMCA General budget following the confirmation of additional funding since the budget was approved in February 2022, as set out in section 2.1, be approved.


3.    That £10m of 2021/22 Waste reserves to be returned to the nine Greater Manchester local authorities be approved and that authority be delegated to the GMCA Treasurer to agree the basis of distribution with local authority Treasurers.


Capital Budget - Quarterly Financial Update pdf icon PDF 562 KB

Report of Councillor David Molyneux, Portfolio Lead for Resources & Investment.


Additional documents:


1.    That the 2022/23 forecast of £630.6m compared to the 2022.23 budget of £421.5m be noted and that changes to the capital programme, as set out in the report, be approved.


2.    That the addition to the Capital Programme of the currently forecast expenditure in 2022/23 of £105.7m, funded from the GM allocation from the City Regions Sustainable Transport Settlement (CRSTS), as outlined in section 3.19.4 of the report, be approved. 


3.    That the addition to the Capital Programme of currently forecast expenditure in 2022/23 of £1m funded from Active Travel Fund (ATF3) grant funding from DfT, as outlined in 3.14.1 of the report, be approved.


4.      That the allocations of Minor Works/ Road Safety and Highways Maintenance, the agreed split allocated to Local Authorities as shown in section 3.19.6 of the report, be noted.


Treasury Management Annual Report 2021/22 pdf icon PDF 679 KB

Report of Councillor David Molyneux, Portfolio Lead for Resources & Investment.


Additional documents:


That the contents of the report be noted.


UK Shared Prosperity Fund - Greater Manchester Investment Plan pdf icon PDF 1 MB

Report of Councillor David Molyneux, Portfolio Lead for Resources & Investment.


Additional documents:


1.          That the Greater Manchester UK Shared Prosperity Fund Investment Plan, set out within the report, be approved.


2.          That the submission of the Greater Manchester UK Shared Prosperity Fund Investment Plan to Government by 1 August 2022 be agreed.


3.          That the next steps on implementation be noted.


4.          That the Greater Manchester UK Shared Prosperity Fund Investment Plan be submitted to the October 2022 meeting of the GMCA for agreement.


5.          That it be noted that the Overview & Scrutiny Committee had requested to review Implementation Plan at its September 2022 meeting in advance of consideration by the GMCA in October 2022.



Mitigating the impact of Digital Telephone Switch over in Greater Manchester pdf icon PDF 595 KB

Report of Councillor Eamonn O’Brien, Portfolio Lead for Education, Skills, Work, Apprenticeships & Digital.


Additional documents:


1.    That the timeline for the switchover be noted and it be ensured that all public sector organisations were undertaking appropriate steps to upgrade or mitigate.


2.    That a review to evaluate the risks and impacts (financial and operational) to Greater Manchester public sector organisations and business community be supported.


3.    That an industry led conference to increase awareness of the digital telephone switchover to businesses, public sector and residents in Greater Manchester be encouraged.


4.    That Government be pressed to undertake a national campaign working with industry to highlight the change for UK residents and SMEs.


5.    That the implications of the change for the digitally excluded be highlighted to the Secretary of State for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport by Councillor Eamonn O’Brien and it be ensured that action is taken by the Government working with industry to support vulnerable people most impacted by the change.


6.      That an update on progress be submitted to a future meeting of the GMCA


GM Adult Education Budget: Single Pot Approach to Level 3 Funding for GM. pdf icon PDF 650 KB

Report of Councillor Eamonn O’Brien, Portfolio Lead for Education, Skills, Work, Apprenticeships & Digital.


Additional documents:


1.    That the plan to distribute devolved Adult Education Budget and national funds for a Single Pot Level 3 Offer for Greater Manchester resident and employers for 2022/23 onwards be approved.


2.    That the authority be delegated to the GMCA Monitoring Officer to prepare and execute all the necessary agreements to distribute devolved Adult Education Budget and national funds for a Single Pot Level 3 Offer for Greater Manchester residents and employers for 2022/23 onwards.


Greater Manchester Economic Dashboard and Economy Portfolio Update pdf icon PDF 273 KB

Report of Councillor Bev Craig, Portfolio Lead for Economy, Business & International.


Additional documents:


1.            That the latest update of the Greater Manchester Economic Resilience Dashboard and response, including delivery of the Local Industrial Strategy and Greater Manchester Economic Vision, be noted.


2.            That Councillor Amanda Chadderton be appointed as the lead portfolio Leader for directly addressing current cost-of-living crisis issues such as fuel poverty.


3.        That it be agreed that the cost-of-living dashboard, currently under development, be incorporated into the monthly Economic Dashboard and Economy Portfolio Update report going forward.


GMCA Sustainability Strategy & Climate Emergency Update pdf icon PDF 586 KB

Report of GM Mayor, Andy Burnham.

Additional documents:


1.    That the GMCA Sustainability Strategy be approved.


2.      That the progress made on GMCA’s delivery of the GM 5 Year Environment Plan, provided in the most recent brief for members, be noted.



High Speed Rail (Crewe - Manchester) Bill Update pdf icon PDF 532 KB

Report of GM Mayor, Andy Burnham.

Additional documents:


1.            That the update on the Hybrid Bill and Second Reading be noted.


2.            That it be noted that the GMCA and TfGM petitions will be submitted before the end of the petitioning period on 4 August 2022.


3.            That thanks be expressed to Greater Manchester’s MPs for their support during the second reading of the bill.



Greater Manchester Active Travel Programme pdf icon PDF 637 KB

Report of GM Mayor, Andy Burnham.

Additional documents:


1.          That the release of £2,118,033 of Mayor’s Cycling & Walking Fund funding for Phase 2 of the Greater Manchester Bee Network Crossings scheme, as set out in section 2 of the report, in order to secure full approval and enable continued scheme delivery through the signing of the necessary supporting legal agreement, be approved. 


2.          That the planned governance and approvals approach regarding management of the £13.07 million Active Travel Fund (Tranche 3) programme for GM, following its addition to the 2022/23 Capital Programme at the May 27 GMCA meeting, be noted.


3.          That Dame Sarah Storey be requested to attend the GMCA in the autumn to discuss what ‘refreshing the mission’ would look like and how best to work with Leaders on the Active Travel programmes.



Extension of the Our Pass Pilot Scheme pdf icon PDF 601 KB

Report of GM Mayor, Andy Burnham.

Additional documents:


1.         That it be noted that the budget provision for the extension of the ‘Our Pass’ Pilot for a further one year was included in the Mayoral budget for 2022/23, which was approved by GMCA on 11 February 2022.


2.         That the proposal to extend the Our Pass Pilot for a further year, to 31 August 2023 be approved.


3.         That it be noted that the work to evaluate the impact of the Pilot was ongoing and that the extension of the scheme will enable this to completed. The evaluation was currently scheduled to be completed in Autumn 2022 for submission to the GMCA


4.         That it be noted that any further extension to the Pilot beyond 31 August 2023 will require approval as part of the budget setting process in February 2023.


5.         That consideration be given to the feasibility of extending the remit of the pass to care leavers up to the age of 25 years old.


6.         That it be noted that the GM Mayor and Councillor Mark Hunter would work together to raise awareness of the opportunities for cultural and sporting facilities available via Our Pass and that further sponsorship by cultural and sporting facilities be progressed.



Atom Valley, Mayoral Development Zone pdf icon PDF 1 MB

Report of Councillor Andrew Western, Portfolio Lead for Place Based Regeneration & Housing.


Additional documents:


1.         That the designation of a Mayoral Development Zone known as Atom Valley be approved.


2.         That the proposed area of the Atom Valley Mayoral Development Zone, as indicated in Plan 1 attached at Appendix 1, be approved.


3.         That the establishment of a Mayoral Development Zone Board be approved and that authority be delegated to the Chief Executive Officer GMCA and Transport for Greater Manchester (TfGM) toagree appropriate representation on the Board, in consultation with Bury, Rochdale and Oldham Councils.


4.         That the principles of the business case and development strategy for the Mayoral Development Zone, as set out in paragraphs 5.3-5.8 of the report, which the Atom Valley Mayoral Development Zone Board will refine into the development of a business case in overseeing the delivery of the growth sites, be approved.


5.         That regular updates on the progress of the delivery of the Atom Valley Mayoral Development Zone be submitted to the GMCA.


6.         That the renaming of the North-East Growth Location as the Atom Valley Growth Location be approved.


7.         That it be noted that the authorities requested above will also be sought by the requisite Council Executives of Bury, Rochdale and Oldham Councils.


8.         That the recent confirmation of City Regional Sustainable Transport Settlement funding to undertake a business case for a tram/trainline spur to Middleton be noted.



GM Brownfield Housing Fund - Further £27m BHF Allocation Prioritisation Process pdf icon PDF 773 KB

Report of Councillor Andrew Western, Portfolio Lead for Place Based Regeneration & Housing.


Additional documents:


1.            That the proposed methodology for prioritising sites against Further £27m BHF Allocation (Tranche 3) be approved.


2.            That the resultant shortlist of sites as a result of the application of the above prioritisation process be approved.



GM Housing Investment Loans Fund - Investment Approval Recommendations pdf icon PDF 575 KB

Report of Councillor Andrew Western, Portfolio Lead for Place Based Regeneration & Housing.


Additional documents:


1.         That the GM Housing Investment Loans Fund loan detailed in the table below, as detailed further in this and the accompanying Part B report, be approved :






Unique Homes and Developments

Elliott Street, Tyldesley








2.         That authority be delegated to the GMCA Treasurer acting in conjunction with the GMCA Monitoring Officer to prepare and effect the necessary legal agreements.


3.         That authority be delegated to the Chief Executive Officer, GMCA & TfGM, in consultation with the Portfolio Lead for Place Based Regeneration & Housing, to approve projects for Greater Manchester Housing Investment Loans Fund funding and approve any urgent variations on loans amounts and terms previously approved, in the period 30 July 2022 to 29 September 2022.



GM Investment Framework, Conditional Project Approval pdf icon PDF 578 KB

Report of Councillor David Molyneux, Portfolio Lead for Resources & Investment.


Additional documents:


1.         That the loan facility of up to £650,000 to FM Outsource Limited be approved.


2.         That authority be delegated to the GMCA  Treasurer and GMCA Monitoring Officer to review the due diligence information in respect of the above loans, and subject to their satisfactory review and agreement of the due diligence information and the overall detailed commercial terms of the loans/investment, to sign off any outstanding conditions, issue final approvals and complete any necessary related documentation in respect of the loans/investment noted above.


3.         That authority be delegated to the Chief Executive Officer, TfGM & GMCA, and GMCA Treasurer, in consultation with the Portfolio Lead for Investment and Resources to approve projects for funding and agree urgent variations to the terms of funding in the period 30 July 2022 to 29 September 2022.


Delivering the Bee Network: Bus Fares, Zero Emission Buses, Bus Depots and CRSTS pdf icon PDF 621 KB

Report of GM Mayor, Andy Burnham.

Additional documents:


1.         That authority be delegated to the Chief Executive Officer, GMCA & TfGM, in consultation with the Mayor of Greater Manchester, to allocate Bus Services Improvement Plan (BSIP) funding to reduce bus fares to a maximum of £2 single fares (£1 for children), with a maximum £5 day ticket (£2.50 for children), from 1 September 2022, subject to agreement with Government and bus operators.

2.         That authority be delegated to the Chief Executive Officer, GMCA & TfGM, in consultation with the Mayor of Greater Manchester and the Chief Executive of Stockport MBC, to allocate the GMCA ZEBRA fund of £35.7m alongside match funds from Stagecoach Group Plc (Stagecoach) of £37.2m and a GMCA contribution of £12.5m to enable Stagecoach to procure 170 Zero Emission Buses and the associated electrification works for deployment on routes operating to and from Stockport Town Centre by 2024.

3.         That authority be delegated to the Chief Executive Officer, GMCA & TfGM, in consultation with the GM Mayor to procure a further, 50 Zero Emission Buses initially, for deployment within Tranche 1 of bus franchising using the Crown Commercial Services national framework RM6060, to be funded from GMCA’s City Regional Sustainable Transport Settlement. Further detail on the proposed method of procurement, the preferred supplier and estimated cost is included in a report in Part B of this agenda.

4.         That it be noted that subsequent proposals for the deployment of additional City Regional Sustainable Transport Settlement funded zero emission buses will be submitted to the GMCA Authority in a subsequent report.

5.         That authority be delegated to the Chief Executive Officer GMCA and TfGM, in consultation with the Mayor of Greater Manchester to negotiate and approve the acquisition of bus depots to support bus franchising, within previously approved capital and revenue budgets for bus franchising. Further details are provided in a report in Part B of this agenda.


6.         That the update to be submitted to the September 2022 meeting of the GMCA provide as much accuracy as possible on the likely commencements of Tranches 2 & 3 of bus franchising.


Exclusion of Press & Public

That, under section 100 (A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 the press and public should be excluded from the meeting for the following items on business on the grounds that this involved the likely disclosure of exempt information, as set out in the relevant paragraphs of Part 1, Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 and that the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighed the public interest in disclosing the information.

Additional documents:



Delivering the Bee Network: Bus Fares, Zero Emission Buses, Bus Depots and CRSTS

Report of GM Mayor, Andy Burnham.


1.         That the reallocation of funds, previously allocated, in accordance with the agreed Franchising Depot Strategy for the purchase of the existing Stockport Bus Depot, to fund the design and construction of a new Stockport Bus depot be approved.

2.         That authority be delegated to the Chief Executive Officer, GMCA & TfGM, in consultation with the Mayor of Greater Manchester and the Chief Executive of Stockport MBC, to put in place the necessary arrangements, in accordance with the Department for Transport ZEBRA funding to design and construct a new bus depot in Stockport.

3.         That authority be delegated to the Chief Executive Officer, GMCA & TfGM, in consultation with the Mayor of Greater Manchester to procure an initial, 50 Zero Emission Buses for deployment within Tranche 1 of bus franchising, funded from GMCA’s City Regional Sustainable Transport Settlement, using the Crown Commercial Services national framework RM6060.

4.         That authority be delegated to the Chief Executive Officer GMCA and TfGM, in consultation with the GM Mayor, to negotiate the acquisition of  depots for Tranche 1 - and for future tranches – of bus franchising within overall agreed budgets for bus franchising.

5.         That authority be delegated to TfGM to agree the best commercial terms in consultation with the GMCA Treasurer.

6.         That authority be delegated to the Chief Executive Officer GMCA and TfGM to agree the final terms of all necessary agreements for the purchase of the depots.

7.     That authority be delegated to the GMCA Monitoring Officer to complete and execute all necessary legal agreements.


GM Housing Investment Loans Fund - Investment Approval Recommendation

Report of Councillor Andrew Western Portfolio Lead for Place Based Regeneration & Housing.



Clerk’s Note: This item was considered in support of the report considered in Part A of the agenda (Item 26 above refers).


That the report be noted.



GM Investment Framework, Conditional Project Approval

Report of Councillor David Molyneux, Portfolio Lead for Resources & Investment.



Clerk’s Note: This item was considered in support of the report considered Part A of the agenda (Item 27 above refers).


That the report be noted.