
Use the below search options at the bottom of the page to find information regarding recent decisions that have been taken by the council’s decision making bodies.

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Decisions published

23/01/2025 - Greater Manchester Multiply Scheme – Enhanced Level 2 Grant Funding ref: 3079    Recommendations Approved

This opportunity has been ring-fenced to current GMCA Devolved AEB providers who are delivering Level 2 Maths qualifications.

In the first instance, AEB providers delivering Enhanced Level 2 in 2023/24 were invited to submit an Expression of Interest to continue to deliver this additional support above and beyond what the AEB will fund to detail:
1. The barriers learners are experiencing in achieving their Level 2 Maths
2. Proposed activities to alleviate these barriers
3. Rationale behind the number of learners identified as at risk
4. Costings to deliver this additional support

7 providers submitted an EOI for this support and all 7x of these EOIs following assessment and any necessary follow-ups/negotiations have been approved. Full assessment and values of those approved can be found within this spreadsheet:

As part of the evaluation process, GMCA ensured value for money by assessing the cost submission in the following ways:
1. Ensuring only eligible costs were included
2. Comparing proposed projects against proposed costs and ensuring they were proportionate
3. Where projects across Providers were similar but had varying costs, we followed up with the relevant provider on this

Decision Maker: Group Finance Officer

Decision published: 24/01/2025

Effective from: 01/02/2025


Multiply is a UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) funded national programme, commissioned and delivered locally, to support adults who do not have GCSE/Level 2 maths or equivalent to gain skills in Maths/Numeracy.

A key aim of the GM Multiply Scheme is to increase the number of adults achieving a maths qualification, up to and including Level 2.

The Enhanced Level 2 Support will support Greater Manchester residents aged 19+ who have already engaged and enrolled on a Level 2 Maths Qualification (e.g. GCSE or Functional Skills) to achieve their qualification, but they are at risk of not doing so. This could be because;

• They have failed their exam, or only gained Level 1
• They are at risk of dropping out
• They have acknowledged they require additional support

Following an Expression of Interest process, the Grant award has been approved to the following organisations:

Aquinas College £5,491.87
Rochdale Training Association £28,250.00
Tameside College £160,551.00
Wigan Council £12,679.00
TOTAL £206,971.87

Please see the attached the Expression of Interest form that providers were invited to complete for this process:
Existing providers (who access this funding in the 2023/24 academic year)

Lead officer: Nicola Ward

20/01/2025 - North West Secure Data Environment contract award. ref: 3070    Recommendations Approved

The contract has been awarded to Hippo Digital following the established Crown Commercial Framework/GCloud process.

Decision Maker: Group Finance Officer

Decision published: 20/01/2025

Effective from: 28/01/2025


To award a contract to Hippo Digital to develop a target operating model to develop a North West secure data environment.

Lead officer: Nicola Ward

19/01/2025 - PCC DN - Contribution of £50,000 to NHS GM to deliver a comprehensive review of Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence commissioning in health care in preparation for the duties under the Victims and Prisoners Act 2024 (Duty to Collaborate) ref: 3068    Recommendations Approved

To ensure victims of Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence can access consistent support in health care settings in Greater Manchester. This funding is allocated to NHS GM to support and expedite the work required to support this outcome

Decision Maker: Director for Safer and Stronger Communities

Decision published: 09/01/2025

Effective from: 19/01/2025


£50,000 has been allocated to enable NHS Greater Manchester Integrated Care (NHS GM) to undertake a commissioning review of domestic abuse provision within health care settings and complete a Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC) contracting transition plan for Greater Manchester. Due to in year funding limitations, NHS GM have requested this funding from the Deputy Mayor as a one-off payment to meet this shortfall in funding and enable an urgent review to take place. The totality of these funds will be paid back to Safer and Stronger Communities in 2025/26 by NHS GM

The commissioning review’s scope will cover prevention and response pathways across primary and secondary care and will ensure provision is mapped at a local and GM level.

The context of this review should be cognisant of the following national strategic requirements:

• The Domestic Abuse Act 2021 which states that “Responding to and preventing domestic abuse should be a strategic priority for both ICBs and ICPs and should be the responsibility of all healthcare professionals working within a system. An ICS is expected to have a joined up, collaborative response to domestic abuse across its geographical footprint”.
• Victims and Prisoners Act 2024 – The duty to collaborate: A duty on PCCs, local authorities and ICBs to collaborate in the commissioning of community support services in England for victims of domestic abuse, sexual abuse, and serious violence. This includes a requirement to develop a joint needs assessment and local strategy which demonstrates how they will collaborate to deliver and improve relevant victim support services. The Health and Care Act, 2022 which requires ICBs, in developing their joint Forward Plans, to set out how they meet the needs of domestic abuse victims. This should include “delivery of longer-term priorities and ambitions for supporting victims, tackling perpetrators and the prevention of abuse, including through the commissioning of services.”
• The Sexual Safety Charter which aims to eradicate sexual harassment and inappropriate behaviour by offering staff clear reporting mechanisms, training, and support
The following outcomes are expected as a minimum from this work:

• A summary of the evidence base and legal requirements for health services to identify and support victims of GBV
a) A review of good practice for provision of support to GBV victims in healthcare settings across the UK and identify how these pathways are funded
b) A review of funding and commissioning models for provision of pathways for victims across Greater Manchester in different health care settings including community, specialist (sexual health and maternity) and acute settings. (Updating information collated in 2023 mapping exercise)
c) Identify variation in pathways, hidden harm and consider ROI to implement dedicated referral pathways and advocacy support (health and justice outcomes)
d) Develop a business case outlining funding, the change required and commissioning options within the agreed timescales
e) Work alongside the Principal for Criminal Justice and Re-offending to develop a SARC contracting transition plan and to input into SARC contracting meetings.

It is anticipated that due to capacity issues and timescales set out, this work with need to be contracted with an external provider. The contract will be procured by the GMCA working with GM NHS.

In delivering these outcomes, it is expected that the provider will
work alongside NHS GM commissioning, safeguarding and public health teams, Trust safeguarding teams and a range of key partners including the GMCA Safer and Stronger Communities Team, Local Authority Domestic Abuse leads.
Length of contract: 4 months

To be managed by:
Consultant in Public Health
NHS Greater Manchester Integrated Care

This arrangement will be governed by a contract between GMCA & the provider.

Lead officer: Lisa Lees