
Use the below search options at the bottom of the page to find information regarding recent decisions that have been taken by the council’s decision making bodies.

Alternatively you can visit the Officer and Mayoral decisions page for information on officer delegated decisions that have been taken by council officers.

Decisions published
Title Date Effective from Call-ins
PCC DN - Alison Cope – violence prevention presentations over 36 sessions in secondary schools across GM. – delivery Jan – May 2023. ref: 177720/01/202320/01/2023Not for call-in
PCC DN - Personalised Budgets ref: 177620/01/202320/01/2023Not for call-in
PCC DN - programme of support for girls and women (age 14- 21) ref: 177525/01/202325/01/2023Not for call-in
PCC DN - Serious Violence Venue Booking and Catering ref: 177320/01/202320/01/2023Not for call-in
PCC DN - National Autism Society exploitation video ref: 177220/01/202320/01/2023Not for call-in
PCC DN - YCTCS Ltd – to provide support for GM Youth Justice Transformation Programme and development of Home Office Perpetrator Bid ref: 177120/01/202320/01/2023Not for call-in
PCC DN - Safer Streets funding - Commonplace – Safer Spaces Greater Manchester ref: 177020/01/202320/01/2023Not for call-in
PCC DN - Fallowfield LOOP - funded from Home Office Safer Streets Fund – Round 4 2022/23 and 2023/24 ref: 176920/01/202320/01/2023Not for call-in
PCC DN - GM Night Time Economy Welfare Scheme ref: 176818/01/202318/01/2023Not for call-in
PCC DN - Permission to award contracts for Resident and Victim Perceptions of Policing and Community Safety ref: 176613/01/202313/01/2023Not for call-in
Declarations of Interest ref: 168520/01/202320/01/2023Not for call-in
Minutes of the Bus Services Sub Committee meeting held 18 November 2022 ref: 168420/01/202320/01/2023Not for call-in
GMCA/ GM ICB Autism in Schools Project ref: 168623/01/202331/01/2023Call-in expired
Bus Network and Subsidised Service Considerations ref: 168320/01/202320/01/2023Not for call-in
Exclusion of the Press and Public ref: 168220/01/202320/01/2023Not for call-in
Dates and Times of Future Meetings ref: 168120/01/202320/01/2023Not for call-in
Bus Operators Update ref: 167920/01/202320/01/2023Not for call-in
Changes to the Bus Network and Review of Subsidised Bus Services Budget ref: 167820/01/202320/01/2023Not for call-in
Local Link and Accessible Transport Review ref: 167520/01/202320/01/2023Not for call-in
Apologies ref: 167620/01/202320/01/2023Not for call-in
Chairs Announcements and Urgent Business ref: 167720/01/202320/01/2023Not for call-in
Work Programme ref: 168020/01/202320/01/2023Not for call-in
Minutes of the Sub Committee Meetings ref: 151714/10/202214/10/2022Not for call-in
Work Programme ref: 152014/10/202214/10/2022Not for call-in
TravelSafe Update ref: 151914/10/202214/10/2022Not for call-in
Network Review and Market Renewal Update ref: 151614/10/202214/10/2022Not for call-in
Dates and Times of Future Meetings ref: 152114/10/202214/10/2022Not for call-in
Minutes of the meeting held on 12 August 2022 ref: 151514/10/202214/10/2022Not for call-in
Chairs Announcements and Urgent Business ref: 151314/10/202214/10/2022Not for call-in
Chairs Announcements and Urgent Business ref: 166513/01/202313/01/2023Not for call-in
Apologies ref: 166413/01/202313/01/2023Not for call-in
Declarations of Interest ref: 166613/01/202313/01/2023Not for call-in
Minutes of the Previous Meeting ref: 167413/01/202313/01/2023Not for call-in
Dates and Times of Future Meetings ref: 167313/01/202313/01/2023Not for call-in
Evaluation of the Carriage of Dogs on Metrolink Pilot ref: 166913/01/202313/01/2023Not for call-in
Metrolink Service Performance Report ref: 167013/01/202313/01/2023Not for call-in
Rail Operator Update ref: 166713/01/202313/01/2023Not for call-in
Local Rail Services Performance Report ref: 166813/01/202313/01/2023Not for call-in
Work Programme ref: 167213/01/202313/01/2023Not for call-in
Metrolink Operator Update ref: 167113/01/202313/01/2023Not for call-in
PCC DN - Victim Assessment and Referral Contract Extension to June 2023 ref: 166321/12/202221/12/2022Not for call-in
PCC DN - #IsThisOK advertising – Transport for Greater Manchester network ref: 166206/01/202306/01/2023Not for call-in
PCC DN - Critical Incident Stress Management training ref: 166106/01/202306/01/2023Not for call-in
PCC DN - Violence reduction radio content for young people ref: 166006/01/202306/01/2023Not for call-in
PCC DN - GM Sports and Physical Activity Strategic Delivery Partner ref: 165906/01/202306/01/2023Not for call-in
PCC DN - authorisation to sign the S.22 agreement of the North West Emergency Services Network (ESN) ref: 165822/12/202222/12/2022Not for call-in
PCC DN - Increased payment to ‘I am greater’ campaign murals and end point survey (Hitch Marketing) ref: 165720/12/202220/12/2022Not for call-in
PCC DN - I am Greater Phase 3 ref: 165605/01/202305/01/2023Not for call-in
PCC DN - SICK! Productions, knife crime project ref: 165520/12/202220/12/2022Not for call-in
PCC DN - Stop the bleed day (CitizenAid), video and co-creation ref: 165420/12/202220/12/2022Not for call-in
PCC DN - Rewards for Operation Pelf and Sandpiper ref: 165322/12/202222/12/2022Not for call-in
PCC DN - Extension to GM Drug Related Deaths (DRD) contract ref: 165222/12/202222/12/2022Not for call-in
PCC DN - NGO Forum catering ref: 165112/12/202212/12/2022Not for call-in
PCC DN - Modern slavery campaign amends ref: 165012/12/202212/12/2022Not for call-in
PCC DN - Extension of 2Novate Victim Services Review Support Phase 2: Commissioning Gateway’ Multi-crime service’ for victims ref: 164922/12/202222/12/2022Not for call-in
PCC DN - EXCELLENCE IN POLICE FINANCE PROGRAMME - GMP ref: 164812/12/202212/12/2022Not for call-in
PCC DN - Victim support services – in year uplift cost of living (MOJ Victims Grant and Police Property Act Fund) ref: 164716/12/202216/12/2022Not for call-in
PCC DN - Youth Justice event – 26th January 2023 room booking – Chamber of Commerce ref: 164612/12/202212/12/2022Not for call-in
PCC DN - Funding for TARN (Trauma Audit & Research Network) 2020-2022 Comparator Report via The University of Manchester ref: 164512/12/202212/12/2022Not for call-in
PCC DN - VRU’s Parent and Carer Support offer ref: 164408/12/202208/12/2022Not for call-in
PCC DN - Extension to Domestic Abuse Perpetrator Funding Programmes ref: 164308/12/202208/12/2022Not for call-in
PCC DN - Allocation of HMPPS Additional Funding Allocation 2021/22 ref: 164208/12/202208/12/2022Not for call-in
PCC DN - GMP and GMCA Drug Framework and Delivery Plan ref: 164108/12/202208/12/2022Not for call-in
PCC DN - Change Management Support for the Adolescent Safeguarding Framework ref: 164008/12/202208/12/2022Not for call-in
PCC - Amendment to Decision - Commissioning of Phase 3 Social Switch Project – Safer Digital Access for young people ref: 163908/12/202208/12/2022Not for call-in
PCC DN - APACE Membership 2022/23 ref: 163805/12/202205/12/2022Not for call-in
PCC DN - Violence reduction radio content for young people ref: 163705/12/202205/12/2022Not for call-in